Hippies—the new aristocracy?


Fifth Estate # 35, August 1-15, 1967

“A lot of us have been smokin’ reefers and layin’ broads in the bushes at Belle Isle for the last twenty years…and nobody ever called that a Love-In.” —anonymous Greaser and Frat Rocker and Mod Lower-middle class versus upper-middle-class America.

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The Diary of Che Guevara


Fifth Estate # 62, Sept. 19-Oct. 2, 1968

a review of The Diary of Che Guevara, edited by Robert Scheer, Bantam Books, Inc., NYC, $1.25 paperback.

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Book reviews


Fifth Estate # 61, Sept. 5-18, 1968

a review of Richard Wright, a biography by Constance Webb. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NYC, 442 pages $8.95. William Styron’s Nat Turner: Ten Black Writers Respond, edited by John Henrik Clarke. Beacon Press, Boston, hardbound $4.95, paperback: $1.95

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In Search of the Ultimate Fantasy


Fifth Estate # 61, Sept. 5-18, 1968

I To those of you tenderly under 20: imagine, if you dare, that tomorrow you could no longer obtain records anywhere. Imagine that all the record stores were suddenly boarded up. Imagine that all of your records and tapes have

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In Archive