
There's a lot for divorcing couple's to sort out.

Why separating couples needs their own 'divorce angel'

I have never been a huge fan of Angelina Jolie, but it was hard not to feel some empathy for the Hollywood actress this week when she talked about her divorce for the first time. Her lower lip trembled and eyes filled as she described her sadness and how this was "a very difficult time".

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Greater curiosity might lead clever teens to experiment with cannabis.

Clever teens twice as likely to smoke cannabis

CLEVER children are twice as likely to smoke cannabis as teenagers due to their curious minds and students who were high academic achievers at 11 are also more likely to drink alcohol in their teens, according to a nine-year study by University College London.

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Tip of the Day

Trying to force our kids to get along is the most counterproductive thing we can do.

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