  1. 9小时前

    The New York Times is running its first TV ad in 7 years during the Oscars Sunday night. The subject? The truth.

  2. 8小时前

    Join - Take the oath, retweet, and, most of all, remember: Silence = Consent

  3. 5小时前

    Dan Rather: This is an emergency—and a moment of judgement for everyone who remains silent

  4. 7小时前
  5. 15小时前

    Now that Trump will censor the free press by blocking news agencies from his press conferences, he has unveiled the Trumpstika.

  6. 43分钟前

    Trump Accidentally Admits That He Didn't Inherit A Mess From Obama

  7. 2小时前

    John Dean Drops A Bombshell By Accusing The White House Of A Russia Cover-Up

  8. 3小时前

    Be sure you know what your reps are up to.These bills have been filed by .

  9. 3小时前

    Anyways...here's Durga.

  10. 5小时前

    Congrats to Stephanie Hansen on her win to the Senate. The first of many wins for Democrats!

  11. 5小时前

    What kind of asshole do you have to be to think it is beneficial for our country to take food out of children's mouths at school.

  12. 5小时前
  13. 6小时前

    Is Trump avoiding Correspondents' Dinner because he's been putting on weight?

  14. 6小时前
  15. 6小时前

    The trolls from the right are out in force attacking Tom Perez & Keith Ellison. Don't let them divide again. Stand united and .

  16. Trump's attacks on the media are a sorry attempt to distract from his own lies and illegitimacy.

  17. 7小时前

    15 signs that your country is moving towards FASCISM.

  18. 7小时前
  19. 7小时前

    RT- Make it trend.

  20. 8小时前


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