australian defence force

australian defence force

defence   July 22, 2023

Afghanistan: the illegitimate war

“Those who failed to ensure that Australia’s participation in this war was legitimate should not escape their share of culpability for the atrocities in Afghanistan.”

life   November 19, 2022

How religion dominates the ADF

The loss of his own faith led navy chaplain Collin Acton to push for more secular support for Defence Force personnel. What followed was a lengthy battle with senior officials and a religious lobby group that would upend his career.

ir   April 30, 2022

Exclusive: Defence review questions Afghanistan war deaths

A review of Australia’s involvement in Afghanistan questions whether soldiers’ deaths helped strategic outcomes and calls for ongoing royal commission-like powers to prevent misconduct.

ir   April 16, 2022

Pine Gap’s role in China–US arms race makes Australia a target

The Pine Gap base near Alice Springs is expanding, and so is its importance to the US military. It also means Australia is becoming a more obvious global target, whether we realise it or not.

environment   March 19, 2022

Morrison failed to act on flood relief ‘handshake’

As blame-shifting continues over the slow response to the floods in northern NSW, Scott Morrison has gone quiet on a support package agreed to with the state’s premier.

defence   March 12, 2022

Defence spending booms as efficiency dives

By cutting public service jobs then outsourcing to contractors, the cost of defence staffing has doubled. With problems from planning through to delivery, the billions being spent are not giving taxpayers value for money.

resources   September 25, 2021

Under the surface of Australia’s submarine deal

Hours before cancelling a $90 billion contract for French submarines, Australia was still telling the company to proceed with design – but the plan to renege had been in the works since 2019.

immigration   September 18, 2021

Scott Morrison’s intervention in Afghanistan evacuation

An evacuation flight was delayed for 45 minutes by the prime minister, hours before the airport was bombed.

resources   August 28, 2021

Australia’s deteriorating role in global peace

Faced with pandemics, global warming, species extinction and a possible war with China, there is understandable anxiety about the future. Perhaps the hardest question is whether it’s futile to push for new peace initiatives.

defence   July 31, 2021

Spy ships and Pine Gap

As Australia joins America in war games focused on China, the US-backed Pine Gap surveillance base has undergone its fastest ever expansion.

middle east   December 12, 2020

The impact of Australian war crimes on Afghans

As Afghan civilians make sense of the Brereton inquiry, one family details how an Australian raid killed three of their relatives – including a 14-year-old boy.