Purpose riven

In Canberra much of the week’s politics was spent on changes to the laws regulating the racist mistreatment of minorities. These are changes with little popular support. They show a government legislating for itself.

The freedom of a coward

Bill Leak was a racist. To pretend otherwise is a nonsense.

Inhuman services

Here’s hoping

Milo and POTUS

The cost of not caring

Pell and fury

The art of the real: Fighting fake news

Fighting the myth

In the wake of Australia Day, this week's editorial it is written by Nakkiah Lui, a Gamillaroi/Torres Strait Islander woman. Change is about giving up space, and the editorial is a newspaper’s most privileged space.

Join the Australia Day boycott

Obeid and his taming

The date is changing

Visa ‘integration test’ unconscionable

Eject Dutton

Blunting democracy

Faceless man

Dutton’s terrible invention

Fate of the nation

Triggs warring

The Saturday Paper accepts Gillian Triggs' retraction. It is an appalling shame that the mistake has overshadowed her work.

Political indecency

Off Brandis

Diminishing school

Work to be done

Hanson cad

Cash register
