The Racial Discrimination Act’s section 18c charade

In defence of civil disobedience

Purpose riven

In Canberra much of the week’s politics was spent on changes to the laws regulating the racist mistreatment of minorities. These are changes with little popular support. They show a government legislating for itself.

Energy policy fails to enlighten

Jay Weatherill’s energy showdown

The freedom of a coward

Bill Leak was a racist. To pretend otherwise is a nonsense.

Woeful leadership in plentiful supply

Brandis’s plan for metadata in civil litigation

Colin Barnett's One Nation gamble in the WA election

Just as Barnett benefited from the disarray in the ALP and the backlash against the Gillard government in 2013, now he has the baggage of his Canberra colleagues replaying a similar script.

Inhuman services

Where’s the will to share the wealth?

Flame war is over. If you want it.

The overwhelming negativity of Facebook’s newsfeed did little to assuage my growing suspicion that the 21st century’s great social media experiment is doomed to be remembered as a failure.

Coalition divides and stonkers

Paul Bongiorno
Abbott’s mantra that Turnbull is losing the base to One Nation is not addressed by aping her policies.

Here’s hoping

The truth exposed

The class shift splitting labour parties

With the gutting and offshoring of Western industrial capitalism, the class order has been reversed. Knowledge production is at the centre of our economy and culture, and the industrial working class are, by contrast, multiply diminished.

Milo and POTUS

Human cost of debt recovery ignored

Gaps in Turnbull's Coalition and credibility

Put simply, many on the backbench are fed up with the slack Turnbull cuts to outspoken right-wingers such as the Nationals’ George Christensen.

Yassmin Abdel-Magied and the Australian crucible

It doesn’t matter how moderate or modern or feminist or liberal or patriotic one is – if they are also proudly Muslim, they are a problem.

The cost of not caring

Inspiring model for the future

Parliamentary attacks reveal politics out of touch

Political attacks often thrill partisans but appear puerile to innocent bystanders. They reinforce the impression that the politicians are more interested in themselves than voters’ concerns.

Recalibrating Australia's Defence focus and budget

Rather than comprehending that the alliance aims for Australia to be independent, commentary assumes we are inescapably reliant upon the US for our security.

Turnbull's desperate fight to restore credibility

One senior Liberal doubts whether Turnbull would hang around to lead the government to a defeat. And most fear eventual defeat is more likely than not.
