Government withholds funding for Indigenous genetic disease foundation

Mike Seccombe
Despite a Federal Court win over Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion, a foundation supporting sufferers of a crippling genetic disease across remote Aboriginal communities is still waiting on funding promised under the previous Labor government.

Cleaning up the Environmental Protection Authority

Chris Woods
Sweeping reforms to Victoria’s EPA are set to shift its focus from response to prevention, and restore the faith of communities at risk from contaminants.

Disability Employment Services causing heartache

While the government claims to offer expert employment support to those with a disability or health condition, the flawed system is being abused, much to the detriment of the job seekers’ dignity and self-confidence.

Millions of Australians caught in health records breach

Karen Middleton
The government’s negotiations with doctors over the Medicare rebate is not helped by a breach of privacy on apparently anonymised health data.

Inside Swisse and its vexed ABC sponsorship deal

Martin McKenzie-Murray
Amid serious concerns about its products’ efficacy, complementary medicine giant Swisse will do anything for credibility.

Exclusive: Toxic chemical conflict on Defence sites

Chris Ray
Consultants paid millions by Defence helped revise chemical safety standards that could shield the department from multiple compensation claims.

PTSD and the rehabilitation of returned soldiers

Martin McKenzie-Murray
As reports emerge that as many veterans have taken their lives this year as have been killed in the 13 years of the war in Afghanistan, a new narrative is emerging around post-traumatic stress disorder.

Victoria’s end-of-life choices inquiry and a tale of 3 deaths

Rodney Syme
A Victorian parliamentary inquiry’s recommendation that assisted dying be legalised may also lead to welcome changes in palliative care practices.

Mooball community divided over cancer cluster claims

Susan Chenery
While some residents of Mooball in northern NSW believe sandmining tailings have caused a cancer cluster, others think it’s a scare campaign to prevent development.

Labor’s bid to make health central to election

Karen Middleton
In the first major policy announcement of the campaign, Labor has built a wedge on Medicare rebates – and won powerful support.

Manus Island’s appalling health care record

Behrouz Boochani
Manus Island claims to have a properly equipped hospital, but for detainees requiring more than just a painkiller, the facilities are grossly inadequate.

Australia’s Indigenous youth suicide crisis

Karen Middleton
The death last month of a 10-year-old Indigenous girl in a remote WA community intensifies the need for a clearer approach to suicide prevention.

NSW debates exclusion zone laws for abortion protestors

Ben Rice
While Victoria and Tasmania’s exclusion zone laws require anti-abortion protesters to keep their distance from medical clinics, in NSW opponents invoke free speech arguments to assert their right to confront patients.

Seeing poverty in people’s teeth

Samantha Trenoweth
Decreasing rates of full-time employment have led to a new class of working poor, whose struggles are borne out by the state of their dental health.

Holiday surprises for Malcolm Turnbull

Martin McKenzie-Murray
Traditionally, Christmas and new year marks a flat spot for political news. But the past few weeks have thrown up their share of woe for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The truth about Australia’s Ebola hospital

Mike Seccombe
A year on from the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, Australia’s slow, privatised and ineffective response has come in for questioning.

James Hardie’s Baryulgil asbestos mining ‘genocide’

Susan Chenery
As the next generation of a northern NSW Aboriginal community waits for signs of fatal disease caused by asbestos, compensation remains non-existent.

The shadow of  tragedy hangs over Luke Batty inquest

Martin McKenzie-Murray
Hindsight and evaluation cannot alter the fate of Luke Batty. But a coroner’s report into his ‘unforeseeable’ murder has at least identified systemic failings in the handling of mental illness and domestic violence.

Detention centre doctors stare down prosecution

Sophie Morris
Doctors who have worked in immigration detention show no sign of being silenced, despite the possible prosecution of those who speak out.

Smoking ban set to inflame larger issues in prisons

Mike Seccombe
A ban on cigarettes in NSW prisons sparked fears of insurrection, but questions have arisen over the effectiveness of such policies and the greater problem of overcrowded facilities.

Filthy secrets shroud Aust’s emissions reduction plans

Mike Seccombe
Weak regulation is increasing Australia’s carbon emissions and allowing dirty power stations to survive.

Queensland plans crackdown on alcohol-fuelled violence

Andrew McMillen
Proposed changes to liquor licensing laws in Queensland are ruffling the feathers of venue owners and drinkers alike, but data following strict changes in NSW correlate with a sharp fall in assault rates.

Questions arise over workplace bullying compo judgements

Luke Williams
With allegations of workplace bullying and other psychological injury on the rise, questions are being asked about the system of employer-selected psychiatric assessments to determine compensation claims.

Mining downturn hits FIFO mental health

Max Opray

Inquiries into fly-in fly-out workers reveal hidden depression and an industry in denial. With the weakening mining sector now delivering redundancies, it will only get worse.

Richard Di Natale’s plans to reboot the Australian Greens

Sophie Morris
The Greens’ new leader has a fresh vision for the third-force party: transparent, consultative and mainstream.
