Andrew McConnell
I think it’s good to get away from contemporary desserts – gelatines, contemporary flavours. This dessert has its origin in the Middle Ages, and began as a warm milk drink. Eventually it evolved into a dessert that was curdled, often with alcohol. There are other iterations where almonds and egg...
Andrew McConnell
Steak tartare is a very important part of the classic French bistro. Often horse is used. Personally, I prefer the beef. I’ve eaten quite a few versions, using various cuts of meat. I’ve seen it with an aged piece of beef, but I prefer to use fresh cuts. The tenderness is not an issue because you’...
Andrew McConnell
One of the best ways to cook zucchinis is over coals. I usually split them down the middle and cook them on the cut side only. I cook them until they are al dente, if that term can apply to more than pasta. I season the cut side for 15 minutes before I put them on the coals, and then cook until...
Andrew McConnell
Racks of lamb for spring, with a northern Chinese twist.
Andrew McConnell
A timeless classic – just don't open the sun-dried tomatoes.
Andrew McConnell
Exotic salads that transport the flavours of the Middle East and Asia.
Andrew McConnell
From breakfast to dessert to hangover cure, French toast ticks all the boxes.
Andrew McConnell
A delicious dessert with a very honest name.
Andrew McConnell
Talking Turkey with a tasty seafood sensation.
Andrew McConnell
Give peas a chance with the rich flesh and clean flavour of raw tuna.

The best wines of summer

A guide to the season’s top wines.
Andrew McConnell
The snack that ticks all the boxes when it comes to flavour, texture and balance.
Andrew McConnell
A new spin on an old fast-food favourite.
Andrew McConnell
Meet gazpacho’s slick city cousin – velvety smooth almond soup.
Andrew McConnell
Used sparingly, horseradish can be a welcome and delicate addition to raw fish dishes.
Andrew McConnell
Homemade pickles add an acid tang to many dishes.
Andrew McConnell
A delicious cake with an extra special edge.
Andrew McConnell
There’s no reason not to have a vegetarian barbecue.
Andrew McConnell
Don’t be put off by the preparation – an artichoke is a delicate and delicious delight.
Andrew McConnell
Enjoy the pop from pearls of indigenous finger limes.
Andrew McConnell
Graduating from Pancake Parlour.
Andrew McConnell
It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for some it’s bloody marvellous.
Andrew McConnell
Why you can never use too many herbs.
Andrew McConnell
Live like a tycoon with this little slice of heaven.
Andrew McConnell
Add some spice to fried rice with this juicy, succulent chicken.
