New ACTU secretary Sally McManus on the new IR battlegrounds

Karen Middleton
The new ACTU leadership finds the Turnbull government more ideologically anti-union than John Howard’s.

The Hazelwood closure and the future of the Latrobe Valley

Martin McKenzie-Murray
While Hazelwood’s closure raises questions about the future of Latrobe Valley – and of energy markets – an insider says Engie got off lightly after the mine fire inquiry.

CSIRO's workplace stalemate

Karen Middleton
A deadlock in enterprise bargaining negotiations at CSIRO may have revealed the roadmap for reintroducing WorkChoices in the public service by stealth.

Unions poisoned by ALP affiliation

Mike Seccombe
With plotters using the labour movement as a means to amass power, unions have become vulnerable to rorting and the erosion of workers’ rights.

What’s happening in Tony Abbott’s office?

Sophie Morris
Leadership tension has spilled into the Nationals, as the Coalition tries to understand the chaos in the Prime Minister’s Office.

US arms suppliers overrule courts in Australia with ITAR

Debra Jopson
Cowed by American regulations, local courts have allowed arms manufacturers significant exemptions from human rights law.