Daily Life


Kathy Lette: Bad dates are a reminder to celebrate single life on Valentine's Day

I've had some terrible Valentine's Day cards. Seriously, they've given me a card-iac arrest. The worst was from a rock'n'roll muso I was dating in my 20s who thought the following message would win my heart. "Fix me a drink," he wrote, "maybe you'll look better."

Clearly, our relationship was based on our common interest … him. He was obviously the sort of bloke who went through the Tunnel of Love – holding his own hand. Women worry about faking the odd orgasm, but men like this can fake a whole relationship. 

A comedian I once dated proved just as inept in the Valentine's Day department. He had a one-man show at the time and believe me, there were more people on stage than in the audience – and this is why.

His handmade card read, "hilariously", "I love hanging out with you – it makes me look so much slimmer!"

I cancelled our Valentine's Day dinner by writing back that I now understood his attraction to me – it was just the novelty of being with a female he didn't have to inflate.

Even worse, I was once dumped on Valentine's Day. Now that's a romantic triple-zero. I must have been wearing a sign on my heart which read: "In case of emergency, break."


If this fate befalls you, just remember that rejection is curable in a way that, say, a head-on collision with a petrol tanker is not. You will eventually get over him. While it's true that it once took me two years to get over a bloke I'd never met – he was David Cassidy of the Partridge Family and I was prepubescent – I did recover. My top tip for getting over a bloke is to immediately give up chardonnay. You'll miss wine-o'clock so much you won't crave him at all.

But boys, a kinder way of deterring an unwanted admirer is to simply drop us a line saying something like: "So looking forward to our Valentine's Day date because when I'm with you the voices stop." Or "Can't wait for our Valentine's kiss. And don't worry, it's only a cold sore!" Or "I bet you tongue-kiss even better than your mum!"

That allows us to conclude that we didn't fall in love, but stepped in it – and it's time to wipe you off our shoes. Still, some of my girlfriends are so desperate not to be alone on Valentine's Day that they're willing to scrape the bottom of the biological barrel. They've been on so many blind dates recently they should be given free dogs. 

Girls, relax. Being dateless on February 14 does not mean the UN will declare your love-life a disaster area.

Actually, Valentine's Day is a good time to reflect on "happy ever afters". Marriage statistics are currently lower than Donald Trump's IQ. 

And as statistics reveal that married men tend to live longer than single men, have less heart disease and fewer mental problems, whereas the opposite is generally true for women, I suspect that it's females who are contracting PMT (pre-monogamy tension.)

Women are no longer defined by their male partner: we're standing on our own two stilettos. In fact, if Jane Austen were alive today, she'd be writing about a Mr Bennett, frantically trying to marry off his five soppy sons while young women enjoy living footloose and fiancé-free.

So, yes, love is the best, most wonderful thing in the entire world … and so are scuba diving, hot-air ballooning and shoe shopping during the sales. Still, if you are in love, I hope you enjoy a blissful Valentine's Day, while also not forgetting that while love may be blind, cohabitation is a real eye-opener!