Yes, We Can Fight Trump’s Deportation Force

President Trump’s desire to turn ICE into a deportation force strikes fear in the hearts of many immigrant families. The good news is we can fight back and win if we stand together. Here’s how.
Mehrdad Azemun
  • 377

Trump Tax Con: Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

The Trump administration, as have all Republican administrations, is promoting tax cuts for the rich, saying they will “create growth.” Tax cuts actually force cuts in the things our government does to make our lives better.

Wall Street Sodbusters

Big-money speculators are buying up farms, charging tenants to farm it and boxing young, real farmers out of the market. Of course, the Wall Street plowboys don’t soil their own soft hands by actually farming.
Jim Hightower
  • 280

Tech, Trump and Uber [video]

From online harassment to digital strikebreaking, tech is different in the age of Trump — or, more precisely, the public policy concerns raised by powerful tech companies are heightened by the administration's actions.
Richard Eskow
  • 39

Keith Ellison’s Quest for DNC Chair

Rep. Keith Ellison offers a lifeline to the Democratic Party that is floundering. The question is whether the Democratic National Committee's 447 members will accept it when they choose their new chair on Saturday.
Robert Borosage
  • 153

A New Rationalization for Riches

Right-wingers are celebrating a depressing new history of those rare moments when wealth became better distributed as activists are exploring encouraging pathways to a New Economy that sustains our planet and fosters equality.

We Need a Sea Change to See Change

This is nothing more than a basket of gleeful, surgical giveaways to big-dollar Republican donors. We need to expose, at every opportunity, that we’re watching. We need to make it clear that we will remember this in 2018 and 2020.

The People Fired Puzder

It’s no accident that Puzder bowed out just two days after National Security Adviser Gen. Mike T. Flynn’s resignation. The Trump administration’s confidence is shaken. GOP unanimity is broken.

Resisting Trump Is Not Enough

Trump is in the White House in large part because of the establishment’s failures over the past decades. Progressives need to advance a concrete agenda, and that means taking on Democrats-in-Name-Only.
Robert Borosage
  • 325

Donald Trump Has Pulled an Epic Bait-and-Switch

Waiting on Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s desk is Trump’s order instructing him to launch a review aimed at dismantling much of the financial regulation passed after Wall Street’s wilding blew up the economy.
Robert Borosage
  • 101

What Did Trump Know About Flynn and When Did He Know It?

If Michael T. Flynn informed Trump about his multiple conversations with the Russian ambassador about rolling back Obama’s sanctions to punish Russia for interfering in the U.S. presidential election, it’s an impeachable offense. For Trump.
Miles Mogulescu
  • 294

Off-Shorers Should Shut Up

Corporations that offshore jobs to make a few extra bucks follow a "Greed First" policy. Their CEOs should shut up and listen to the American job creators on the Jobs Initiative.
Leo Gerard
  • 229

What Do We Know about Neil Gorsuch?

Ian Milhiser, the Think Progress justice editor, explored Trump's Supreme Court nominee in an interview that explored his background, ideology and judicial philosophy.
Richard Eskow
  • 39

We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight Tom Price

Let’s protect the Affordable Care Act by doing what Democrats should have done all along: by making the case for a better health care system, and then fighting for it. That means making the case for government itself.
Richard Eskow
  • 367

How the Affordable Care Act Turned Me Into a Health Care Activist

Public speaking, you see, makes me sweat. And possibly vomit. Glossophobia, they call it. But in the process of trying to get myself out of this sweat-inducing, stomach-churning public-speaking gig, it hit me: This isn’t about me.
Brenda Patoine
  • 8

Progressives Lost The Vote On DeVos But Won Something Valuable

Betsy DeVos won her contest in the Senate to become the new U.S. Secretary of Education but likely killed a long-standing political consensus on education. Its death gives progressives a chance to push for something better.
Jeff Bryant
  • 343

Senator Warren Persists, We Persist

Senate Republicans silenced Elizabeth Warren when she was reading aloud a critical letter from three decades ago about Jeff Sessions during a debate over his confirmation as attorney general. She persisted.

Make American Jobs

American manufacturing workers need tough action against corporations that renounce their birthplace for profit and against flagrant, job-stealing trade violators like China.
Leo Gerard
  • 288

#Holdthefloor: Senate Democrats’ All-Night Vigil Against DeVos

Senate Democrats, channeling public opposition to Trump's nomination of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education while venting their own outrage over her lack of qualifications for the job, are occupying the Senate floor for 24 hours.
Jeff Bryant
  • 317
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