Monday, 06 March 2017 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG

Why Make A Donation?

Truthout is a 501(c)3 nonprofit news organization. Amidst a tumultuous media landscape rife with misinformation and sensationalism, Truthout is committed to the investigative reporting, thoughtful analysis and insightful commentary that holds power accountable and fuels democracy. By reading and donating to Truthout, you are helping to keep real journalism alive. To read about Truthout's recent accomplishments, see our most recent annual report.

In order to keep ourselves wholly independent, we do not accept advertising, and have no corporate sponsors. Truthout’s existence depends on the support of individual readers who share our goal of building a vibrant, dynamic, strong independent press. The vast majority of our annual budget comes directly from reader contributions.

donate to truthoutClick to make a tax-deductible donation

Editor-in-Chief Maya Schenwar"In these confusing, difficult times, the Truthout community still believes in the power of courageous journalism to change hearts, minds and public policy, day by day and story by story. By donating to Truthout, you'll join us in this crucial struggle, exposing injustices and bringing powerful new ideas to light.

I'm truly inspired by our donors’ commitment. Together, we are paving the way for a future in which real democracy can flourish."  -Maya Schenwar, Editor-in-Chief

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Why Make A Donation?

Truthout is a 501(c)3 nonprofit news organization. Amidst a tumultuous media landscape rife with misinformation and sensationalism, Truthout is committed to the investigative reporting, thoughtful analysis and insightful commentary that holds power accountable and fuels democracy. By reading and donating to Truthout, you are helping to keep real journalism alive. To read about Truthout's recent accomplishments, see our most recent annual report.

In order to keep ourselves wholly independent, we do not accept advertising, and have no corporate sponsors. Truthout’s existence depends on the support of individual readers who share our goal of building a vibrant, dynamic, strong independent press. The vast majority of our annual budget comes directly from reader contributions.

donate to truthoutClick to make a tax-deductible donation

Editor-in-Chief Maya Schenwar"In these confusing, difficult times, the Truthout community still believes in the power of courageous journalism to change hearts, minds and public policy, day by day and story by story. By donating to Truthout, you'll join us in this crucial struggle, exposing injustices and bringing powerful new ideas to light.

I'm truly inspired by our donors’ commitment. Together, we are paving the way for a future in which real democracy can flourish."  -Maya Schenwar, Editor-in-Chief