Sunday, 26 February 2017 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • "Show Up for Immigrants With Love": Communities Fight Back Against ICE Raids

    By Kerry Cardoza, Truthout | Report

    Protesters begin to march to downtown Chicago during “A Day Without Immigrants.”Protesters begin to march to downtown Chicago during "A Day Without Immigrants" on February 16, 2017. (Photo: Kerrry Cardoza)

    Trump's executive actions on immigration greatly expand who might be targeted for deportation, including anyone whom an immigration officer deems "a risk to public safety." Immigrant advocates across the US are speaking out against this criminalization of immigrants and outlining concrete ways for communities to stand in solidarity with immigrants.



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  • It's Time to Claim Our Highest Vision: Let's Embrace the Great Turning

    It's Time to Claim Our Highest Vision: Let's Embrace the Great Turning

    By Chris Moore-Backman, Truthout | Op-Ed

    In opposition to the Trump fascistic executive orders, a vast and powerful movement of movements is quickly coalescing across the US. The rallying, prophetic vision of this "Great Turning" is a shift from piecemeal reform to a total transformation of our economic and political systems.

  • Democratize the Union: Let the Rank-and-File Decide!

    Democratize the Union: Let the Rank-and-File Decide!

    By Alexander Kolokotronis, ROAR Magazine | Op-Ed

    Unionization of US workers has declined both under Democratic and Republican administrations and Congresses. Unless organized labor finds solutions to the problems that are pervasive within its own organizations and structures, union membership numbers will continue to shrink and remaining members will be too cornered to mobilize effectively.


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