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‘We will not retreat’: Boston mayor will shelter immigrants threatened by Trump in his personal office

States, Cities and the ACLU Vow to Defy Trump's Immigration Orders

Trump cabinet nominee Steven Mnuchin is also registered to vote in two states

The Coming War on Net Neutrality

Scientists, angry after being told to be quiet, are planning a march on Washington

Activists Announce Peoples Climate March

Oil Pipeline Spills 53,000 Gallons on First Nations Land
-- Lorraine Chow of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Trump is creating a new form of Christian nationalism centered on himself

Protesters say a leak in the Dakota Access pipeline, which Trump just advanced, could be a 'death sentence'

Trump Hotels to Triple Locations in U.S. Expansion, CEO Says

Republicans to kill US rules on corruption, environment, labor and guns next week

The Heritage Foundation: A Heritage of Propaganda as News
-- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout

The United States of America Is Back in the Torture Business

As End of DACA Looms, Colleges and Organizers Ramp Up Efforts to Protect Undocumented Students

NPR Has Decided Not to Use the Word "Lie" Regarding Trump

Greenpeace activists unfurl 'resist' banner from crane near White House

Agriculture Dept. lifts gag order: report

National Park Service launches unofficial Twitter account that Donald Trump can’t touch

GOP Committee Members Take First Vote To Protect Trump's Conflicts of Interest

Trump Orders EPA to Delete Climate Change Page

Lawmakers Introduce Bill Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons

Trump to hang photo of inauguration crowd in front of White House reporters

Trump Promises ‘Major Investigation’ of Voter Fraud in 2016 Election

Standing Rock Sioux pledge to fight executive order: 'We can't back down now'

Badlands National Park Twitter account goes rogue, starts tweeting scientific facts

CDC abruptly cancels long-planned conference on climate change and health

Trump: Environmental regulations are 'out of control' Isn't this the third straight year of record global warming?

Union-Owned Union Economy Provides An Infrastructure Alternative to the Wall Street Mentality That’s Been Picking The Pockets of Working People

A Lawyer for Chelsea Manning Explains What's Next After Her Life-Saving Commutation

14 Senate Democrats Fall in Line Behind Trump CIA Pick Who Left Door Open to Torture

Donald Trump against the World

'Brexit' Talks Can't Start Without Parliament, UK Supreme Court Rules

What Happens When a President Can’t Handle Bad News?

Alt-Right Event in Seattle Devolves Into Chaos and Violence Outside, Truth-Twisting Inside

Andrew Puzder’s 16-Year Record of Discrimination Lawsuits

Two journalists covering inauguration protests face felony riot charges
Evan Engel and Alex Rubinstein face up to 10 years in prison and $25,000 fine

Former Executive Director of Anti-Immigrant Hate Group FAIR Joins Trump Administration

Rex Tillerson passes first phase for secretary of state with Senate panel vote

Read Draft Text Of Trump's Executive Order Limiting Muslim Entry To The U.S.

Trump's impending executive order heralds 'dangerous' return to torture, official warns

Like Steve Bannon, Tiffany Trump is Registered to Vote in Two States

Sales of George Orwell's '1984' are suddenly on the rise

Contractor files $2 million lawsuit against Trump for unpaid bills

Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts

Trump looks to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities

Denial of US Entry to Canadian Protesters Signals Era of Heightened Repression
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

The US has been downgraded to a "flawed democracy," but not just because of Trump

EPA Freezes Grants, Tells Employees Not To Talk About It, Sources Say

Thanks to Trump, Scientists Are Planning to Run For Office

Shooting victim at Milo Yiannopoulos event wants 'dialogue' not charges

The Supreme Court Supplied a Blueprint to Overcome Citizens United -- We Just Need to Use It

Four More Journalists Who Covered Inauguration Day Protests Were Charged With Felonies

Protest Works: The Trump administration’s meltdown proves it.

Trump Poised to Lift Ban on CIA "Black Site" Prisons

Next, They Came for Planned Parenthood: House votes to permanently ban taxpayer funds for abortion

Dow breaks record, hits 20,000

Trump Not Enjoying White House as He Feels He Deserves

Donald Trump Intentionally Lies to Us
He has no mandate. That fact has so unhinged Trump that he is shaming himself and his office by promulgating obvious lies.

Chelsea Manning: we need an uncompromising progressive leader

How Neil Gorsuch could end up as Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee

Trump Goes All Pro-Oil Pipelines

Four more journalists get felony charges after covering inauguration unrest

Trump bans EPA employees from giving social media updates

Misremembering King Rewrites the Presses Own Role in History

Trump Says He Will Announce Supreme Court Pick Next Week

Women’s March Co-Chair Linda Sarsour Vilified, the Internet Responds: #IMarchWithLinda

Trump’s Secretary of State Wants Assata Shakur Re-Imprisoned

Strange Bedfellows: US, Saudi, Al-Qaida & ISIS Interests Align In War On Yemen

President Donald Trump has officially violated the lease agreement he entered into with the federal government for his Washington, D.C. hotel, Democratic lawmakers charged Monday.

Al Gore's Prediction Comes True, Alas
-- Lorraine Chow of EcoWatch for BuzzFlash

Trump Exits the Trans-Pacific Partnership

It’s Austerity, Not Globalization, That Pulls European Workers to the Right

President Trump's Inaugural Address, Annotated

‘I’ll Be Able to Lay in the Grass’: Bresha Meadows To Be Transferred to Treatment Facility

Ajit Pai Confirms He Is Trump's Choice for FCC Chairman