MIA: Administration: Legal

MIA Charter and ByLaws

All Marxists Internet Archive volunteers must consent to work under these rules


1. The Marxists Internet Archive (MIA) will always be 100% Free
2. We will always be a non-profit organization
3. We will always be based on democratic decision making
4. We will always have full disclosure
5. MIA will always remain politically independent
6. Our priority is to provide archival information
7. How the MIA decides the placement of writers in either the Marxist or reference archives
8. We will strive to present content in a way that is easy to access and understand


§ 1. Contributors
        A. Volunteers
        B. Administrators

§ 2. Steering Committee
        A. General
        B. Consensus
        C. Voting
        D. “Library” and “Marxist Writers”
        E. Selected Marxist Writers

§ 3. Administrative Committee
        A. Responsibilities
        B. Eligibility

§ 4. Secretarial Committee
        A. Responsibilities
        B. Election

Administrator's guidlines Part I

1. Mentoring of New Volunteers and Quality Control
2. Use of MicroSoft Word
3. Directory & File Structure
4. Bibliographical Information

Administrator's guidlines Part II

5. Links
6. Scripting
7. Style Sheets
8. Markup for footnotes

Encyclopedia Bylaws

§ 1. Publishing a Definition
§ 2. Friendly Amendments
§ 3. Debated Amendments
§ 4. Editorial Board & Associate Editors
§ 5. Associate Editors

Bourgeois Legal Information

Copyright Law: How MIA deals with copyrights
Bourgeois Legality: Disclaimers, Indemnity, etc: All MIA readers must accept this statement to use what MIA provides.
Permissions for Images on the M.I.A.
Free Documentation Licence (text)
Creative Commons License
Gutenberg Project: An example of what they use
MIA Articles of Incorporation
Non-Profit Documentation
Trademark Documentation
Copyright Permissions

Legal Disputes

Legal Letter from Pathfinder
MIA Response to Pathfinder
Messages of Support to MIA re Pathfinder


Contact the Marxists Internet Archive Admin Committee for further information