‘Part-time is unfairly interpreted as lack of commitment’ – our work expert responds

Our careers expert – and you the readers – help a marketer who wants to write, and a part-time ecologist who isn’t being paid enough
A Greater Mouse-eared Bat in flight
An ecologist reader has the most experience on their team, including a bat licence, but thinks they’re being paid less than others. Photograph: Image Broker/Rex

I’m looking for a marketing job out of necessity – and it shows. How do I sell myself?

I graduated with a first in English when the recession was at its worst. Consequently I was fixated on stability and survival, even though that meant relegating my real love, writing, to a hobby. As a result I’ve done well, and at the age of 27 became head of marketing at a mid-size company.

I saved most of the money I earned during that time, and a year ago I left to explore. I did some contract marketing work, wrote a book – and learned that I am infinitely happier earning less and writing more than I am spending 40-plus hours a week doing marketing, however great the product or the team.

However, there’s no way I can make a living from writing just yet, so I need a part-time job – or at least a full-time one that is less mentally taxing than a senior marketing role.

Roles I’ve been applying for during the past few months are either going to less experienced people who are committed to the marketing ladder (despite me making it clear I’m happy to take a substantial pay cut), or equally experienced marketers who have other reasons for going part-time (presumably children) that don’t involve working towards an eventual career change.

Contract work is relatively easy to get because it doesn’t matter to either party that the role isn’t the dream job. But I’m looking to buy a property in the next few years – I have great credit and still have a decent savings pot – so a long-term, stable income is a requirement.

How do I pitch myself to employers when it’s clear from my CV that my real passion is not the thing I’m applying for?

Jeremy says

You say there’s no way you can make a living from writing just yet, but I wonder if that’s true. As someone who has both headed up a marketing department and can write clear, good English you possess knowledge and abilities that are increasingly recognised as being of real value. People think that because they can string a few sentences together they know how to write. They don’t. Most business English is dire, and often fails to communicate the main point of the message. Only very rarely does it succeed in simplifying the complicated, and creating a natural, understanding tone of voice. Clear business writing is deceptive: it reads as if it’s been written easily, but in fact takes a lot of time and real talent. And what it can contribute to a company, in both external and internal communications, is priceless.

So I suggest you give serious thought to this line of work. You may know of companies from your time in marketing who would value using you on a freelance basis. Equally, there are small companies, partnerships usually, which specialise in providing such writing services to clients: from speeches and websites to internal memos and annual reports. You’ll find them online and might find approaching one or two of them worthwhile.

I hope you don’t find this suggestion demeaning. I know it’s not the same as creative writing, but the discipline required makes a successful piece of work almost as satisfying.

This avenue wouldn’t, of course, guarantee the long-term stable income you’re hoping for, but it builds on your success as a writer and certainly overcomes the problem of approaching potential employers.

Readers say

Employment is important, but just one facet of our lives. We don’t have to define ourselves in terms of our “real passion” at the expense of everything else, and to do so can be quite risky. Taking a good quality job does not diminish the other parts of our lives and character. If the price I had to pay for my own dream was “Meh, dull job to pay for my house”, I’d probably enjoy all parts of my life less. So instead, I aim for the best work. Then I enjoy the other bits of life more. oommph

The sad fact is that hardly anyone makes a living from writing full-time, so I wouldn’t be thinking of it as “working towards a career change” so much as making space for a parallel career. With that in mind, rid yourself of the idea that paid employment has to be a necessary evil, something you don’t really like but which pays the bills. Why not retrain for something you might enjoy – journalism, librarian, publishing – or look to use your marketing skills for a product you like, or a charity you believe in? Then you won’t have to feign passion for the jobs you’re applying for. pubbore

You want your cake and to eat it, as we all do. We write as a hobby until we can just about scrape a living through it, if we’re lucky. James Parsons

I’ve gone part-time and received a smaller salary increase. Can I challenge it?

I have had my job as an ecologist within a planning consultancy for three years. At a recent annual review I requested permission to work part-time (three days rather than five). This has been agreed. However, it was stated that my annual salary increase will be at a lower rate (pro-rata) than the rest of the team because of my new status.

While I am delighted to be working part-time, it’s within a team of four and I am the most experienced, and with the largest number of protected species licences, including a bat licence which no other team member has. I also have the highest level of membership of our chartered institute (all other team members are at graduate level) – yet despite this I will be the lowest-paid team member. I will not be working part-time until April so until then I will be doing exactly the same job and hours for lower pay.

I am in a quandary as to whether to make a request for equal treatment regarding salary, when rocking the boat could make my bosses rescind their agreement to me working part time.

Jeremy says

It shouldn’t be the case but it very often is: putting in a request to work part-time is unfairly interpreted as evidence of low commitment. This may be the (probably unconscious) reason behind your rather meagre treatment.

As the only part-time member of your team you must be particularly careful not to leave the other members picking up work that would have otherwise been yours – or even seeming to do so.

Politely asking for equal treatment regarding salary would seem entirely reasonable, but if you sense a certain sensitivity about your change of routine it might be prudent to wait until well after April. One would hope that by that time you will have been able to demonstrate that the new schedule works perfectly well and your commitment to the job is as complete as it has always been.

Readers say

The law is clear. Part-time workers are entitled to the same benefits as full-time workers and MUST NOT be discriminated against just because they are part-time. Speak to your trade union representative if you have one. Mark Laiman

Qualified and accredited ecologists are in short supply. Check out opportunities with your competitors – part-timers are a good bet for team expansion. Then see if your current employer can match your market value. OldDigger

Wish I had a “bat licence”. salamandertome

Can’t drive the Batmobile without one. ID1083575

Do you need advice on a work issue? For Jeremy’s and readers’ help, send a brief email to dear.jeremy@theguardian.com. Please note that he is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or to reply personally.