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India Foundation. Print and TV Columnist/Debator. Author of by (Link: )
Shubhrastha 1h
Replying to @Shubhrastha
Due to technical glitches the live had to be broken in two parts. Here is the second live session:
Shubhrastha 1h
Did FB live with students from Kerala joining in the discussion a few minutes ago. The MSM will not tell you their pain, will mute their woes and will ensure the running of a Fascist Nazi agenda of the Commuist Kerala regime. Do watch:
Shubhrastha 3h
Replying to @Shubhrastha
Shameful that facts are hiden not omly from the headline but also main coverage! Which group objected to what slogans? Muslim mob objection to Vande Mataram or nationalists objection to Hail Pakistan slogans? Will the media house dare to REPORT!
Shubhrastha 3h
Replying to @Shubhrastha
Shameful that the newspaper makes Republic Day celebrations read like a crime!
Shubhrastha 3h
Replying to @IndianExpress
You know why the coverage is problematic. I will just use a sample case of coverage! It played around with facts! ABVP is not the student wing of BJP. Why blur the difference in making its young civil services aspirants conflate the two orgns? Politics? Agenda?
Shubhrastha 3h
This is how the MSM muted the communal intensity of one murder and amplified that of the other. Whether or or - the entire media industry stands exposed in its partisan Communal agenda. Shame!
Shubhrastha 3h
Shame shame! Shame on you that even the representation picture you put out is so misleading. Shame on your communal agenda.
Shubhrastha 10h
To time for wannabe online activists’ below average writing being endorsed by Lutyens’ land. I don’t care about flippant usage of ‘vagina’ to gain eyeballs on shoddy writings.
Shubhrastha 11h
Excuse moi?
Shubhrastha 12h
_ Will you also write an article titled "A Boy Called Chandan" and ask the editors at your organisation to publish the opinion piece? so that be ensured in the the pseudo intellectual secular space of discussions
Shubhrastha 13h
श्रद्धांजलि to Chandan’s supreme शहादत
Shubhrastha 15h
We can ensure only when media houses in this nation are called out for their communal bullshit.Why do they not shed one editorial tear for Chandan. too and so is every nationalist youth of
Shubhrastha 15h
Yeah like the death of Gauri Lankesh was the fault of Jihadi terror network - a member of one of which was caught in her murder! Like the death of journalism happened because some supari journalists began licking Congress' boots or started to enjoy foreign funds.
Shubhrastha 17h
Replying to @Shaileshrt
Shubhrastha 17h
बात बात पर जात पूछने वाले रवीश बाबू ने स्क्रीन काला किया कि नहीं? ने लोकतंत्र को ख़तरे में बताया कि नहीं? को CM की वाइफ़ के हील्ज़ से फ़ुर्सत मिली की नहीं? नीचे SS में छलक रहे दोगलेपन पे किसी ने प्राइम टाइम किया कि नहीं?
Shubhrastha 18h
Do watch this FB live i did a few minutes ago
Shubhrastha 18h
Shubhrastha retweeted
BJP Meghalaya 21h
Social Media Conclave held in Shillong today on 27/01/2018.Shri and Shri ,the two IT and Social Media Experts spoke about the objectives and the significance of the Social Media.Around 70 members from different Mandal of Meghalaya attended the programme.
Shubhrastha retweeted
Aditya Raj Kaul 22h
Slap on face of radical separatists in who tried to boycott events yesterday, yet this young brave Kashmiri boy unfurls the tricolour outside his house with immense joy and pride. Kudos!
Shubhrastha 23h