Strategic Features

Strategic Features are unique editorial publications that are built around specific topics of interest driven by audience, editorial and consumer needs. They boast the same editorial values as our Fairfax newspapers and websites – quality, integrity and credibility.

Designed for maximum impact and reader engagement, Strategic Features are published across our newspapers and their sections in Sydney and Melbourne, and can be extended across our online and mobile platforms.

Strategic Features are delivered in a number of formats and paginations, providing advertisers an exclusive opportunity to reach and engage with our readers.

Offering opportunity to align a consumer brand within our editorial driven features, we also work in collaboration with advertisers to build bespoke content across multiple platforms.

For more information on our features calendar or how we can work with you to build a bespoke environment, contact your Fairfax Media sales representative or refer to the Contact Us section.


Caitlin Bishop
Strategic Publications | Brand Specialist - Business
Fairfax Media
+61 (03) 8667 1222 Email Caitlin Bishop