
You admire the delightful variety, the inexhaustible riches of nature. You do not demand that the rose should smell like the violet, but must the greatest riches of all, the spirit, exist in only one variety? I am humorous, but the law bids me write seriously. I am audacious, but the law commands that my style be modest. Grey, all grey, is the sole, the rightful color of freedom. Every drop of dew on which the sun shines glistens with an inexhaustible play of colours, but the spiritual sun, however many the persons and whatever the objects in which it is refracted, must produce only the official color! Karl Marx, Comments on the Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction


Bibliography of Working Class Literature Children's Literature
Selected abstracts from books that we cannot publish because of the backward laws of copyrights, but works that are very important additions to working class literature. It is the aim of these pages to contribute to a contemporary communist theory of teaching and child-rearing.
    • Bibliographies
    • Texts and Illustrations
    • Resources and References
Henrik Ibsen Debate Women and Marxism Archive
Four plays by Henrik Ibsen, translated by Eleanor Marx. Fiction and poety written by women on the working class, women's issues, and Marxism.
Encyclopedia of Trotskyism Utopia
Trotskyism in Literature Utopian writings, including satirical and dystopian novels and science fiction.


Ascetic's Song
Brown Africa
Humanity in Search of Itself
Nepal-Amerika Express
Red 'Terrorist' Answers White Terrorist
Intro to Ahuti (Remembering Parijat)
Louis Aragon
Hymn 1934
Remembrance 1954
Edward Bellamy
Looking Backward From 2000 to 1887
Bertolt Brecht
Questions From a Worker Who Reads
Otto Rene Castillo
Apolitical Intellectuals
Before the Scales, Tomorrow
Conolly Archive
The Rebel Song, 1903
We Only Want the Earth, 1907
Love of Freedom, 1915
Alexandra Kollontai Archive
Red Love, 1927
A Great Love, 1929
Sisters, 1929
The Loves of Three Generations, 1929
Jack London (1876-1916)
The Iron Heel
Revolution, short stories
The Scab (Speech)
John MacLean Archive
John MacLean March, by Hamish Henderson
Ballad of John MacLean, by Matt McGinn
Marx & Engels
Marx and Engels’ Early Literary Experiments
Mao Tse-tung
Yellow Crane Tower, 1927
The Double Ninth, 1929
New Year's Day, 1930
The Long March, 1935
Snow, 1936
Vladimir Mayakovsky
Collection of Poems by the Bolshevik Poet
Andre Gorz
Destroy the University, 1970
Jean-Patrick Manchette
Nada (excerpts), 1972
John Reed
Mac-American (fictional short story), 1914
Love at Sea (poem), 1916
A Daughter of the Revolution, 1925
George Bernard Shaw
An Unsocial Socialist, 1883
Upton Sinclair
The Jungle
H.G. Wells
The Time Machine, 1895
Maxim Gorky
1901: Song of the Stormy Petrel
1906: Mother
Creatures That Once Were Men
Nâzim Hikmet Ran
Turkish Communist Poet., 
Cesar Vallejo (1892-1938)
The Black Messengers
Paris, 1936
To My Brother Miguel in Memoriam
Black Stone on Top of a White Stone
Poems to be Read and Sung
Our Daily Bread
Daniel Viglietti (1939-)
Phil Ochs (1940-1976)