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Gow gys: stiureydys, ronsee
Lioaryn ayns shamyr lhaih Lioarlan Ollooscoill Ghraz

She çhaglym cochianglt as coodit dy ghuillagyn ee lioar. Son y chooid smoo, ta screeuyn, diagramyn, jallooyn ny cooid elley er ny duillagyn. Dy cadjin, t'ad geddyr-scarrey lioaryn seyrey (monagrafyn) veih earishlioaryn, ga dy vel y cummey cheddin oc ny keayrtyn. Ny keayrtyn, ta ymmodee ym-lioaryn jannoo magh un obbyr (yl-lioar).

Ny keayrtyn, t'ad cur lioar er rheynn dy lioar chorpagh ennagh, bentyn rish shenn obbraghyn as obbraghyn crauee dy cadjin. Myr sampleyr, ta Lioar Genesis rheynn jeh'n Vible as y Torah nagh vel ad cur magh ny lomarcan son y chooid smoo.

Ta lioar-l çheet er obbyr lectraneagh ta ry-akin lesh co-earrooder ny lhaihder lioar-l. Ta kuse jeu jeant jeh caslyssyn jeh lioaryn corpagh, as fir elley aascreeut ayns cummey lectraneagh.

Shennaghys[reagh | edit source]

Ec y toshiaght, screeu shenn chultooryn er ymmodee eaghtyryn: sheeidey, claghyn, roost, lhiackagyn cray, duillagyn palmey as meain.

Pabyr Eajiptagh ta soilshaghey Osiris as meihaghey cree.

Ren ny Shenn Eajiptee ymmyd jeh pabyr Eajiptagh, as shen jeant ass gish 'eeit Cyperus papyrus. Ta'n feanish s'leaie jeh ass lioaryn coontys Ree Neferirkare Kakai y Wheigoo Reeraghtys (mysh 2400 RC).[1] Ren ad gleiyaghey duillagyn ry-cheilley myr scrolley. Ny keayrtyn, ren ad ymmyd jeh roost; myr sampleyr, roost theiley.[2] Rere Herodotus, hug lhieu Feaneeackee screeu as pabyr Eajiptagh da'n Ghreag mysh y 9oo ny 10oo Eash RC.[3] Haink focklyn ny Greagish son pabyr as lioaryn (biblion as biblos) jeh ennym Vyblos, ny purt Feaneeackagh ren assphurtal pabyr da'n Ghreag.[4] Va scrollaghyn y cummey lioar cadjin ayns cultoor Greagagh, Romanagh, Sheenagh as Ewagh. Haink rish crackan screeuee mysh y 3oo Eash RC, 'syn Ghreag, as pabyr mysh y 1oo Eash RC 'syn Çheen, ga nagh ren ad ymmyd cadjin jeh er son lioaryn derrey'n 3oo Eash BNJ.[5]

Dynlee ny Romanee codex (lioar jeianagh) rere lhiackagyn screeuee ayns coodaghyn fuyghagh. Ghow eh harrish ynnyd scrollaghyn dy moal, bentyn rish skeaylley Chreestiaght: ren ny Creestee ymmyd jeh myr cummey ynrickan y Vible, faggys, neayr's y toshiaght.[6] Hug Martial (ny vard Romanagh) moylley da codices er son ymmydoilid. V'eh corrym rish y scrolley mysh y 3oo Eash, as va codices y cummey cadjin 'sy teihll Greagagh-Romanagh rish y 6oo Eash.[7]

Imraaghyn[reagh | edit source]

  1. Avrin, Leila (1991). Scribes, script, and books: the book arts from antiquity to the Renaissance. York Noa: American Library Association; The British Library, 83. ISBN 9780838905227.
  2. Dard Hunter (1978). Papermaking: History and Technique of an Ancient Craft, Cur Magh Noa, Dover Publications, 12.
  3. Herodotus (1914). "58", Terpsichore, 3oo, History (Baarle), Lunnin: MacMillan and Co..
  4. Leila Avrin. Scribes, Script and Books (Baarle), 144–145.
  5. Papermaking. Encyclopedia Britannica. Feddynit er 2007-11-11.
  6. CH Roberts; TC Skeat (1983). The Birth of the Codex (Baarle). Lunnin: Oxford University Press, 38-67. ISBN 0-19-726024-1.
  7. CH Roberts; TC Skeat (1983). The Birth of the Codex (Baarle). Lunnin: Oxford University Press, 75. ISBN 0-19-726024-1.

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