
The Festival of Compromise

Siddhartha DebJanuary 25, 2017
Complete except for book reviews. / Wikimedia Commons
Complete except for book reviews. / Wikimedia Commons

If, in some counterfactual universe, the Maharajah of Jaipur had married the Queen of England and sent their progeny to study at Harvard, the Zee Jaipur Literature Festival, which ran over the weekend, is exactly the sort of cultural jamboree you’d expect the multicultural royal wastrels to come up with.

A Tax on Shivering

Siddhartha DebJanuary 09, 2017

If one of the functions of writing is to make the reader see, and see again, here is a brief list of what John Berger made visible. Paintings, photographs, advertisements, motorcycles, swimming pools, the aging body, migrating workers, and mass demonstrations; the intricate pattern of colors in the roads of Lisbon; the shit of cows in the French Alps.