
An eye-opening experience in Guadalajara

South Africa

Masibulele being interviewed during IGF 2016.Masibulele being interviewed during IGF 2016.My name is Masibulele Siya, but I’m also known as Jay where I live in rural Eastern Cape in South Africa. I was born in the mid-1980’s and raised in these rural areas, but I left my homeland for about seven years for educational purposes.

Promoting the right to information across Africa at the Forum on Internet Freedom


Internet freedom, according to the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) 2016, means access to any kind of information through the internet. Free flow of information. Nothing should hinder your access.

Educating, hiring and retaining women in technology: A gendered enquiry

Research suggests that women are underrepresented at every level in technology. Why is this the case? And how do we educate, hire, and retain more women in it?

Ten facts about your computer: Health, hardware and the toll on women


The top-end of the computer industry is still seen as a sexy place to be. The culture may be designed to wed you to the job, but its a pairing that many professionals envy. And of course, as this week’s protest is designed to highlight, this side of the industry is not where the women are.

Feminist autonomous infrastructure in the internet battlefield: From Zombies to Ninjas

The Distributed Denial of Women (DDoW) strike is an international call in protest to unequal conditions of women and genderfluid/queer in technology.

Being Dalit, doing corporate (women-in-tech)


Generally speaking, there is an extremely minimal presence of Dalit women in corporate spaces, which by itself is a huge challenge. Unlike the public sector, no affirmative action policies in India mandate the recruitment of Dalits or Dalit women in the private sector.

Inside the Information Society: Are developing country voices in ICT decision-making getting louder?

London [13 February 2017]

Commonwealth<br />
Telecommunications Organisation and Panos London, 2002Commonwealth
Telecommunications Organisation and Panos London, 2002
*_Each week David Souter comments on an important issue for APC members and others concerned about the Information Society.

Inside the Information Society: Multistakeholder participation, a work in progress

London [13 February 2017]

Rompecabezas: Image by Teodoro S Gruhl in PublicDomainPictures.netRompecabezas: Image by Teodoro S Gruhl in*_Each week David Souter comments on an important issue for APC members and others concerned about the Information Society.

IGF 2016: What is the internet’s role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

Yaoundé, Cameroon

Serge Daho of PROTEGE QV in Cameroon attended the IGF for the first time in 2016 thanks to the APC Member Exchange and Travel Fund.Serge Daho of PROTEGE QV in Cameroon attended the IGF for the first time in 2016 thanks to the APC Member Exchange and Travel Fund.The 11th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place in Guadalajara, Mexico on 5-9 December 2016.

Inside the Information Society: Who are the stakeholders?

London [6 February 2017]

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