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International Association of Press Clubs



Saturday, December 3 2016

Dear Members,


Another trip around the sun is nearly complete, so that means it's time for the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club to conclude another great year with our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Year-End bash!


This year, we are at Jimbaran Outdoor Lounge at the InterContinental Hotel on Saturday, December 3, from 7 PM onwards.

The first 100 members who RSVP by replying to this email get a free dinner buffet and free drinks for themselves plus one guest.


Non-members may attend, along with members who miss out on a free spot, for a fee of Rp800,000.


The party follows our Members-Only AGM at 6 PM, where we will review 2016, discuss club business and vote for the Executive Committee for 2017.


Please contact the JFCC office staff at admin@jfcc.info or call +62 21 2985 8007 for more information.




The JFCC Executive Committee

Monday, November 28 2016

Dear Members and Friends,

Ahead of the climate-change talks in Paris, Indonesia committed itself to a bold reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, pledging to cut them by at least 29 percent from “business as usual” levels by 2030. Yet owing to deforestation and expansion of farmlands, Indonesia remains one of the world’s largest emitters of CO2. Many observers doubt its ability to meet its targets. 


Devastating fires remain an annual occurrence in peat wetlands in Sumatra and Kalimantan, blanketing much of the region in noxious smoke, as well as doing serious harm to the people who live there. The World Bank reckons fires in 2015 cost the economy $16 billion in that year alone. So in January this year President Joko Widodo set up a Peatland Restoration Agency intended to end the problem for good. But is it too little, too late? 


Please join the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club for a panel discussion on Indonesia’s progress managing its forests and peatlands so as to meet its environmental commitments, featuring:


1. Nazir Foead, Head of Peatland Restoration Agency

2. Aida Greenbury, Asia Pulp and Paper

3. Dharsono Hartono, Rimba Makmur Utama

4. Cifor (name to be confirmed)



Monday, November 28, 2016






InterContinental Hotel Midplaza Jakarta



admin@jfcc.info or call +6221 2985 8007



IDR300.000 journalist members (RSVP)
IDR320​​.000 associate members (RSVP)
IDR350.000 members (walk-in)
IDR420.000 non-members

Hope to see you there!

The JFCC Executive Committee

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2008 - 2017 JFCC - Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club