Camp Sambel 2

oleh Alexandra Crosby Sep 21, 2012
February 19-24, 2012. Malaysia.

Sambel LogoBahasa Malaysia

Working in partnership with KOMAS, EngageMedia hosted a video distribution, security and public engagement camp for activists from Indonesia, Malaysia, Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, Singapore and East Timor from February 19 to 24, 2012.

The camp was held in Port Dickson, Malaysia, and brought together key cultural groups and individuals to discuss, share skills and collaborate around digital video distribution, freedom of expression, campaigning, secure use of video and public engagement. The event built upon the previous 2010 Camp Sambel, in Malang, Indonesia.

The Camp Sambel 2 program was largely determined by participants, who presented of current projects, discussed strategic distribution and campaigning, learned compressing, subtitling and uploading video, and held screenings.

Details of the sessions, accompanying notes, and workshop materials in both English and Malay can be viewed here

Camp Sambel 2 videos can be viewed here

Camp Sambel group

photo by: kstanphoto

If you have any questions about the event please contact


Camp Sambel 2 was supported by the Open Society Foundation Southeast Asia Initiative and East East Partnership Beyond Borders and crowd funded by people including Jemima Mowbray, Annemarie Kohn, Rahima Hayes, Tim Webster, Kaho Cheung, Andrew Garton, Ros MacKinlay, Kitka Hiltula, Mark Taylor, Barry Dickson, Fiona Winning, Heidi Douglas, Kieren Torres, Miriam Lyons, Dan Laurence, Future Perfect, Rebecca Conroy/Bill and George and many other people who chose to remain nameless. (Please contact us if we left you out)