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Hopes of the Cendrawasih Children
Hopes of the Cendrawasih Children
by Papuan Voices (Jayapura)
Primary school children in Arso on the Indonesia-PNG border are keen to study – but teachers rarely come to the local school. The one teacher who does come is only on a short-term contract and gets paid once every six months. When school is out, the kids end up doing hard labour for the local palm plantation to earn money and kill time. 

Alkinemokiye (From Struggle Dawns New Hope)
Alkinemokiye (From Struggle Dawns New Hope) 
by Dandhy Dwi Laksono
On 15 September 2011, around 8000 of the 22,000 Freeport Indonesia workers went on strike, demanding a wage increase from US$3.5 to US$7.5 per hour. It was the longest and most widely participated labour strike since the company began operations in West Papua in 1967.

by KI Multimedia
It was their native customary land until palm oil companies came and claimed it as their own. With the help of corrupt politicians, almost 10,000 hectares of forest and agricultural lands were flattened. Fences were put up, barring indigenous peoples from entering their own ancestral land. This is the story of Melikin; the story of many indigenous peoples in Sarawak.

by Malaysian Rappers United
Malaysian rappers Namewee, Ashtaka and 5Forty2 present this new multilingual music video for democratic change in their country.

Youths Pressure EC Chief to Quit Over 'Electoral Fraud'
Youths Pressure EC Chief to Quit Over 'Electoral Fraud'
by Free Malaysia Today
Over 50 Malaysian students held a 'black protest' in front of the Election Commission headquarters over allegations of fraud in the recent elections.

Featured Filmmaker
Adithio Noviello
We interview Arvind Raj, a video journalist working with Free Malaysia Today, one of the country's most popular independent online news portals ... more.

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What is Video for Change -- and Its Forms?
The video4change Impact Research team has begun blogging about some of the issues, questions and lessons from the preliminary literature review. In a series of three blog entries, they explore the definition of using video to influence social change, and how organisations, individuals and social movements have done it ... more.

EngageMedia at the 3rd Mekong ICT Camp
EngageMedia's newest staff member, Hendriati Trianita, introduces her past and current work ... more.

Papuan Voices Australia Tour
In May 2013 we are touring Papuan Voices to Melbourne, Hobart, Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle. Come along and spread the word to your friends! For more details visit the tour page at

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