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Suara Baru
New Voices on the Indonesian Presidential Elections
Indonesia will hold its presidential election on 9 July 2014. This is set to be an important election for the country, with those in power from the New Order regime trying to make a comeback.

over one-third of the projected 186 million eligible voters will be first-time voters, this election presents an opportunity where young people could make a huge difference in the outcomes.

With this in mind, EngageMedia launched Suara Baru (New Voices), where we invited young filmmakers to create video stories in order to understand youth perspectives on the elections from Java to West Papua to migrant workers in Malaysia. Some of the produced videos are featured below, while the full collection is available here.
A Letter to the President
A Letter to the President
A young man describes the tragic state of his village in a letter to the Indonesian president. Time and again, it's not replied to.
The Hopes of Papuan Youth
The Hopes of Papuan Youth
What do young people in Raja Ampat, West Papua want the next Indonesian president to deliver?
View from the Edge
View from the Edge
A candid look at why some Indonesians are not voting this round. The reasons range from apathy to administration, all expressed with a smile.
Choices of Indonesians in Malaysia
Choices of Indonesians in Malaysia
Malaysia currently hosts over two million Indonesian migrant workers. This video features some of their views on the 2014 presidential elections.
Choices of Indonesians in Malaysia
Elections and Conflict
This election has been widely dubbed as the ‘social media elections’. But why has engagement on social media turned youth who were friends into enemies?
Follow our election updates!
We'll be posting updates on polling day, 9 July 2014, so be sure to follow #SuaraBaru on Facebook and Twitter for more news and videos!
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