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Inside Bamiyarra
Inside Bamiyarra
by Bamiyarra
The story of how a poem inspired a small group of Melbourne artists to work together on a project that honours the aspirations of young Hazaras who have made Australia their new home.

Defendant 5: The Fall of the House of Gunns - Trailer
by Heidi Douglas
When a corporation grows too big for its boots and tramples the community, the people fight back.

Police Raid 'No Fire Zone' Screening in Malaysia
Police Raid 'No Fire Zone' Screening in Malaysia
by Free Malaysia Today
Police disrupted the screening of 'No Fire Zone', a film that documents the final weeks of Sri Lanka’s civil war in 2009, and arrested local organisers. 

Wisdom of a Political Prisoner: Filep Karma
Wisdom of a Political Prisoner: Filep Karma
by Numbay Media
West Papuan political prisoner Filep Karma sent a video message to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Biak massacre on July 6, 2013.

Menambang di Piring Petani
Menambang di Piring Petani (Mining the Farmer’s Plate)
by In-Docs
This is the story of struggling farmers in Topogaro Village who oppose a mining operation that will take over their field. 

Featured Filmmaker
Ozair Rao
Traveling filmmaker Ozair Rao talks about the many paths he has taken for his art  ... more.

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Freedom Film Fest 2013
Freedom Film Fest is now calling for film entries from South East Asia. Deadline 30 September. Details available here.

Crossroads: The Journey So Far
An update of the video production workshops we've held with migrant workers and refugees in Malaysia ... more.

Trading Dolls with Cameras
Bandung women traded sewing machines for cameras in a two-day video workshop with EngageMedia ... more.

Announcement: Plumi 4.5.1
We are proud to announce the new release of the Plumi video sharing platform ... more.

Video Mash-up: Another video4change Approach
One of the approaches to video4change is change-focused video memes and mash-ups. This is the remixing of existing video footage and clips to make new videos towards a social change or political end ... more.

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