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  • Peluncuran koleksi video Papuan Voices II

    vCal iCal Read more…
  • Melbourne Latin American Documentary Film Festival

    “Melbourne Latin American Documentary Film Festival” (MLADFF) on November 8th [6:00pm] and 9th [4:00pm], 2013 vCal iCal Read more…
  • KOMAS To Launch FreedomFilmFest 2012

    FreedomFilmFest is back and will launch its campaign to promote human rights via film making. The theme for FFF2012 is“Democracy: Who’s the Boss?” Since the 2008 general elections, citizens are increasingly aware of the power they hold as voters in a country that practices democracy; but are our voices as citizens heard, and are the elected representatives doing their job? These are important questions- more so in vCal iCal Read more…
  • Freedom FilmFest 2011

    Malaysia's annual human rights filmfest is back!! Get updated and informed on issues that matter in our country and around the world. Be the first to watch the premiere of 3 winning documentaries from the FreedomFilmFest2011 competition. A total of 20 outstanding local and award winning international human rights films will be showcased. vCal iCal Read more…
  • 3 Short Film by Add Word Productions

    Di bulan Ramadhan ini, Kineruku mendapatkan kesempatan memutar film-film pendek karya Add Word Productions. Salah satunya adalah Payung Merah (Red Umbrella), sebuah film pendek bergenre thriller supranatural yang pada Juni 2011 lalu dinobatkan sebagai film terbaik dalam ajang Asian Short Film Awards @ScreenSingapore 2011, dengan dewan juri yang diketuai oleh Oliver Stone. vCal iCal Read more…

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