EngageMedia Blog

Moviemento Video Workshop 1

by Yerry Nikholas Borang April 09, 2013

Earlier this month, Moviemento visited Balikpapan for the second time. Located in Kalimantan island, Balikpapan is the city with the largest oil refinery in East Indonesia.

An initial visit was made here, and like our other visits to Makassar, Semarang, and Kupang, it was conducted to find out more about the activities and needs of youngsters living in the city. After much consideration, we decided to conduct a Moviemento video workshop in Balikpapan.

At the workshop, we shared about video production and many other technical subjects. We also had a discussion around specific issues, especially corruption in Balikpapan and how to tackle it. We had lots of fun during the session and recorded interviews with several different people. And this is only the beginning of the many videos we'll be making as part of the project.

Moviemento is a series of video workshops for youth to tell their stories conducted by EngageMedia and Transparency International Indonesia (TII). The second Moviemento workshop will be held in May 2013.

Introducing EngageMedia's Program and Operations Manager

by Hendriati Trianita April 09, 2013
EngageMedia's newest staff member, Hendriati Trianita, introduces her past and current work.
Introducing EngageMedia's Program and Operations Manager

Hendriati Trianita

Hi everyone, my name is Hendriati Trianita, but you can call me Nita. I joined EngageMedia in March 2013 as the Program and Operations Manager for Southeast Asia.

As EngageMedia's newest staff member, I am responsible for regional program management, team development, partnership development and human resources. My role is to monitor all Southeast Asia based projects and ensuring that all programs meet their respective milestones, deadlines, and goals.

Before joining EngageMedia, I was working with some National and International NGOs in Indonesia, doing advocacy, research, and management work. My 15 years of experience with NGOs like WALHI, INSIST, Plan International, and UN-OCHA, gives me a rich understanding on the issues on gender, human rights, interfaith dialouge, the environment, and community empowerment.

My academic background in Studies in Communications and Media led me to work in some media projects, such as  participatory video for children in disaster affected areas, producing a video for a HIV/AIDS campaign, and another a series of videos on the Merapi Volcanic Disaster Risk Reduction campaign.

Joining EngageMedia gives me a chance to learn more about how we can help activists to “talk to the world” and provide more spaces for them to share ideas with wider communities. I'm glad to be part of an active and dynamic team, and look forward to our time working together.

Hendriati Trianita
Program and Operations Manager