Anna Helme

  • I am a Co-Founder of EngageMedia, having established the organisation in 2005, and worked to develop EngageMedia from a volunteer-run collective into a self-sustaining not for profit organisation. I brought experience in working with tech and media activist network Indymedia in Europe and Australia and video activist production company Undercurrents in the UK. My early role included strategic development, fundraising, and management of the organisation's activities overall. I was also President of the Committee of Management for several years since EngageMedia's inception. I Co-Organised the Transmission conference in Rome in 2006 bringing together tech and video activists from around the world. In 2007 with an Asialink fellowship I traveled throughout Indonesia training video makers in online distribution skills and establishing EngageMedia's initial networks in the country, and in 2008 was the Co-Organiser of Transmission Asia-Pacific, and worked to secure the organisation's first major organisational grant. I represented EngageMedia at the Open Video Alliance founding meeting at Yale University, and at many events including Freedom Film Festival (KL), Sustainable Living Festival (Melb), Digital Harbour (Melb). In 2009 I resigned my position on the Committee of Management, and my involvement in core strategic development, to focus more on my own filmmaking career. Since 2010 I have continued to work as a consultant with the EngageMedia team through management of technology-related projects, including the Papuan Voices website (Wordpress), Video4Change website (Drupal) and EngageMedia's own website (Plone/Plumi). I have made documentaries broadcast on NITV in Australia (Cultural Flows - about indigenous water rights) and short films broadcast on SBS and screening at festivals including the Melbourne International Film Festival (Continental Drift), Outfest LA and BFI Flare in London, (MyMy). I'm currently undertaking a practice-as-research PhD in queer and feminist filmmaking at the VCA, University of Melbourne.
  • If you enjoyed this member's videos, you can donate via PayPal towards their filmmaking, distribution or other media projects. 100% of funds are received by this member directly.


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Latest News

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  • Independent Media at Climate Camp Australia 2008

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Latest Events

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  • Cultural Flows Melbourne Premiere

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  • Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival

    YIVF #04 2008 | yogyakarta international videowork festival |11 - 15 December 2008 | exchange program | screening | live streaming | research presentation | go to public spaces! | collaboration works | exhibition | workshop vCal iCal Read more…
  • EngageMedia Workshop in Yogyakarta

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