WA News

Olympian takes the solo honours at Rottnest Swim

Olympic swimmer Jarrod Poort has taken the honours in the men's solo race in this year's Rottnest Channel Swim.

The marathon swimmer from New South Wales was the first soloist to run up the beach at at Thompson Bay and takes home a cheque for $5000.

The winner of the women's solo race was Rebekah Weller.

The first duo were 17-year-olds Callum Lauriston and Reilly Kennedy and the first team of four were the swimmers from Rokeby Dental.

There were perfect weather conditions as swimmers set out from Cottesloe on the 2017 Rottnest Channel Swim this morning.


The event was started, for the 22nd time, by the local MP Colin Barnett.

There are 2500 swimmers taking part, 300 of them solo swimmers.

Also on hand to help out are 900 support boats and crew and around 700 paddlers.

The vast majority of swimmers are taking part for the fun of being part of a team, but there is a serious side with some serious money available to the elite competitors.

The winner of the male and female solo swim races will each receive $5000, second place gets $2000 and third place $1000.

The first duo to arrive on Rottnest will share $3000 as will the first team of four swimmers.

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