Stories by Alex Kotch

Alex Kotch is an independent investigative journalist based in Brooklyn, NY. Follow him on Twitter at @alexkotch.  subscribe to Alex Kotch's feed

Posted on: Feb 23, 2017, Source: AlterNet

Between Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions, the Trump presidency is a paradise for the Christian Right.

Posted on: Feb 16, 2017, Source: AlterNet

Miller and Mike Pence both had a history of spreading lies about the dangers of smoking.

Posted on: Feb 3, 2017, Source: AlterNet

The Kochs influenced hiring, designed classes and cut off graduate fellowships based on dissertation topics.

Posted on: Jan 15, 2017, Source: AlterNet

Democrats are vehemently opposing billionaire Betsy DeVos.

Posted on: Jan 10, 2017, Source: AlterNet

One-third of the Trump team has ties to the Koch brothers.

Posted on: Dec 13, 2016, Source: AlterNet

Trump catered to them, and it worked—even on evangelical leaders who were skeptical of his commitment.

Posted on: Oct 6, 2016, Source: AlterNet

Breitbart called campaign CEO Steve Bannon the "Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party movement"—for good reason.

Posted on: Sep 8, 2016, Source: AlterNet

It’s part of a hostile takeover of schools by deregulation.

Posted on: Jul 28, 2016, Source: AlterNet

Charles Koch's incestuous academic network serves only to promote his brand of tax-slashing, regulation-killing economics.

Posted on: Jun 26, 2016, Source: Salon

Politicians and anti-LGBT activists have created a climate in which gay and trans people are constantly at risk.

Posted on: Jun 24, 2016, Source: AlterNet

With his grants, Koch is installing libertarian-minded economics professors at hundreds of universities.

Posted on: Jun 19, 2016, Source: Salon

How massive Koch donations to universities miraculously lead to legislation the billionaire brothers' support.

Posted on: Jun 11, 2016, Source: Salon

Racists are heavily lobbying to put Donald Trump in the White House — as the Republican Party looks the other way.

Posted on: May 23, 2016, Source: AlterNet

The Kochs' plan to mold America into a libertarian land free from taxes and regulation begins with funding free-market academic programs.

Posted on: May 9, 2016, Source: AlterNet

Is Koch Industries behind your university or grade school's economics curriculum?

Posted on: Mar 25, 2016, Source: AlterNet

Conservative UNC leadership tries to stifle campus activism. Protests turned violent in clashes between students and police officers.

Posted on: Feb 26, 2016, Source: AlterNet

Racial gerrymandering, unconstitutional judicial election methods and a confusing voter ID law have created a bewildering mess.