Crime becomes custom, custom becomes crime - Trevor Bark

A political analysis of the nature of crime. We have significant disagreements with the author but reproduce this text reference. Part of the text is readable below, however some is missing. The full text is in the PDF, attached.

Making sense of the Brexit tide of reaction and the reality of the racist vote - Andrew Flood

Nigel Farage in front of a Leave campaign poster

Detailed analysis of the UK referendum vote in favour of leaving the European Union.

Don't join the army - Veterans for Peace

Don't join the army

Great text/website from Veterans for Peace debunking UK military recruitment propaganda.

Education vs the working class - Martin Small

A review of Education and the Working Class, by Brian Jackson and Dennis Marsden (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962, 28s.).

Down there with Isherwood - Dachine Rainer

A review of Down There on a Visit by Christopher Isherwood, written by Dachine Rainer.

A senior concert of the High School of Music and Art - Paul Goodman

Paul Goodman recounts observing a school concert.

Eleven-plus and the comprehensive

Short account from a parent about their experience with two children in state education, taking the eleven plus exams.

First impression

Short account from a first-year student just beginning secondary school in London about his educational experience.

Some were all right

Short interview with a child who left school early about his experiences in education.

A last look round

Short article about the educational experiences of an anonymous sixth former.