
Cyclist Kelvin Tennant played dead to escape random shooter in Everton

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A grandfather targeted in an apparent random shooting played dead as a man unloaded rounds into his head and chest.

Kelvin Tennant, 72, was in sheer disbelief as the gunman opened fire at him as he rode his bike on the Myrtleford-Everton rail trail in Victoria's north-east last Saturday, the Border Mail reports.

Speaking publicly for the first time since the attack in Everton, the calm and polite retired schoolteacher said it was "beyond comprehension" he would be targeted.

While he's feeling "really great" despite his injuries, he said the area "is not a safe place to be at the moment". 

"I knew I was being fired at and I just pretended to be dead so that my attacker might go away," he said.

"I thought I was finished, without a doubt.


"I thought it would be eyes shut.

"I was in disbelief, that's the only word I can think of.

"Sheer disbelief that you are enduring that."

Mr Tennant has slowly had memories come back to him since the four to six .22 rounds were fired at him.

"I was just riding along and saw this car parked, backed up to the track, with the boot up," he said.

"It seemed to be parked in a funny spot, that's what drew my attention – it was a grassy area, not where you'd normally expect to see a car backed into.

"As I drew level, he opened fire, started blazing away.

"I knew I'd been hit.

"I knew he'd fired something at me.

"But I hadn't felt the impact of the bullets."

The keen rider has no plans to return to the region, but may keep riding on other trails. He's been overwhelmed by the people who have contacted him since the incident, including former students, and plans to get back in touch with them after he's released from hospital. 

"I want him caught," Mr Tennant said of his attacker. 

"I'm keen for him to be found for the sake of those people who ride that trail. 

"I passed a family coming the other way (before the shooting), who I think would be the same people who rendered assistance to me. 

"For the sake of them, I hope they catch him so that people can go and enjoy these trails. That's the main reason I want him caught."

The Border Mail