
Photo: Anthony Kelly.   Tamar Hopkins speaking at a media conference outside the Federal Court February 2013

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Staff from the Police Accountability Project can provide expert commentary of a range of issues.

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Recent media

POLICE reject it as time-consuming and counter-productive, but human rights groups say it collects vital information to prevent discriminatory policing….

African Australians using video as a tool against racial profiling, Santilla Chingaipe, SBS News, 11 July 2016

The protests in the United States against the killing of black men by police have highlighted the role social media video apps in recording the incidents…

There’s Nothing ‘PC’ About Objecting To Racial Profiling, It Just Doesn’t Work, Tamar Hopkins, New Matilda, 30 March 2016,

Victoria Police’s zero tolerance policy on racial profiling has come under attack in recent weeks. Could critics of the policy have a point? Can stopping people based on a profile that includes race be justified? The research says no…

Victoria Police working to shift away from old-school culture, Anthony Kelly, The Age, 23 March 2016

“Put simply, old-school policing is bad policing, ineffective and, ultimately, dangerous. It feeds into the growing extreme anti-immigration sentiment that is revealing itself to be a source of serious social and political conflict…

The agents of racism, Micheal Green, Overland, 16 March 2016

“The ban on racial profiling doesn’t prevent the police from investigating any crimes – it just prevents them from stopping people because of their skin colour (rather than reasonable cause)…

Melbourne riot: claims police going soft on African youths ‘inaccurate and dangerous’, Michael Safi, The Guardian, 15 March, 2016

“Speculation a gang brawl in Melbourne’s CBD was the result of police going soft on African or Islander youths is “shockingly inaccurate and dangerous”, according to the lawyers behind a landmark case that banned racial profiling in Victoria…

Neil Mitchell hits out at handling of CBD riots, says police ‘too scared’ of being accused of racial profiling, Neil Mitchell, 3AW Mornings with Neil Mitchell. 15 March 2016

“But not everyone agrees. Anthony Kelly is the Executive Officer at the Flemington and Kensington Community Legal Centre and was involved in the 2013 legal case that found Victoria Police had been racially profiling members of the African community…”  [Audio]

South Sudanese Association upset by profiling, Santilla Chingaipe, 15 March, 2016

“Mr Kelly says Victoria police are getting better at breaking the nexus between race and criminal behaviour…”

Did Cops plant gun on Slain Robber? Herald Sun, 17 December 2015

A CORONER has been asked to reopen an inquest into the police shooting of notorious bank robber Graeme Jensen amid renewed claims police lied about him being armed…

Graeme Jensen death: Coroner asked to re-open inquiry into shooting of armed robber by police, ABC Online, 17 December 2015

The coroner has been asked to re-examine the death of a notorious Melbourne armed robber who was shot dead by police, with his sister saying she has new evidence about the case…

Police officer should be charged over 1996 attack on Corinna Horvath, IBAC told, Nino Bucci and Jane Lee, The Age, 17 November 2015

A Victoria Police officer who punched a woman in the face during an unlawful raid on her home almost 20 years ago should face assault charges, the state’s corruption watchdog has been told….

Calls to combat racial profiling, Rebecca David, Herald Sun, 3 November 2015.

VICTORIA  needs an independent authority to investigate complaints of racial profiling and misconduct by police, legal and human rights groups say…

Victoria Police official prohibits racial profiling, Michael Green, The Age, 27 September 2015

Ten years ago, Daniel Haile-Michael and his teenage friends felt nervous walking the streets of Flemington: they were scared of being harassed by the police. And then they sued them, for racial discrimination….

Daniel Haile-Michael and Maki Issa co-author report into Victoria Police racial profiling, Tamara Heath, Moonee Valley Leader, July 14, 2015

RACIALLY discriminative policing is “as common as being asked to pay for goods at a store” for young men of African and refuge backgrounds, according to a Flemington and Kensington Community Legal Centre report…

Report reveals young Africans feel victimised by police, Rebecca David, Dandenong Leader, July 14, 2015

YOUNG African men in Noble Park and Dandenong say they are regularly subjected to racial profiling by Victorian police, ranging from serious assaults and racial taunts to public ridicule, a new report reveals….

Racial discrimination and harassment still rife in Victoria police, study finds, Oliver Milman, Guardian Australia, 14 July 2015

Africans Daniel Haile-Michael and Maki Issa, who were part of a landmark case alleging racial bias against Victorian police, say young migrants still live in fear…

Young migrants avoiding Melbourne CBD because of police behaviour: Legal Centre report, ABC World Today, 14th July 2015

Vic police seek details on racial profiling assault allegations, Tom Nightingale, ABC World Today, Tuesday 14 July 2015

 The Victorian Police service is asking for clarification about allegations that some of its police officers have assaulted African-Australians…

Police Association up in arms over plan for officers to provide receipts, Melissa Townsend, Dandenong Leader, 27 March 2015

A TRIAL requiring Greater Dandenong police to produce a receipt for every informal interaction with the public has been slammed by The Police Association of Victoria.

Lawyers say race ‘critical’ in receipting program, Sue Hewit, Moonee Valley Weekly, 18 March, 2015.

Victoria Police’s trial “receipting” program to stamp out racism will fail to collect data that could reveal racial profiling patterns, according to community lawyers.

Moonee Valley Police set to launch trial program following race discrimination case, Lynh Ly, Moonee Valley Leader, 11 March 2015

THE long-awaited police receipt trial will start in Moonee Valley this month, when officers will be required to document their approaches.

DPP v Kaba: Our freedom of movement, liberty, and right to not be racially profiled, Fia Walker, Right Now, 19 February 2015.

One sunny afternoon, Magnus Kaba (“Kaba”) and a friend were driving along the streets of Flemington when two uniformed patrol police officers stopped their car for a random check of licence and car registration…

Train commuters deserve better guards, The Age Editorial, 16 February, 2015

These aggressive responses by transport security officers have been shown, by the Victorian Ombudsman in the first instance and the magistrate in the second, to be indefensible…

CCTV footage of capsicum spray use on teens forces Victoria Police internal investigation, Louise Milligan, ABC 7.30, 12 February 2015

Video and transcript available

Victoria Police launch internal investigation into use of capsicum spray on teenager after fare evasion, Louise Milligan, ABC news, 12 February 2015

Victoria Police has launched an internal investigation into the actions of two Protective Services Officers (PSO), after viewing extraordinary CCTV footage which shows two teenage boys being repeatedly sprayed with capsicum foam just because one did not have a valid railway ticket…

PSO’s spray teenage boys with capsicum foam over railway ticket, Aisha Dow, The Age,  12 February 2015

Victoria Police have launched an internal investigation after two teenage boys were repeatedly sprayed with capsicum foam – because one did not have a valid railway ticket….

Flemington legal centre chief calls for police to record motorists’ ethnicity during vehicle checks, Moonee Valley Leader, Linh LyJanuary 14, 2015

POLICE should record motorists’ ethnicity when performing vehicle checks to ensure racial profiling is not occurring, a legal centre chief executive says…

The Pointy End Of Police Racism: A Ken Lay Retrospective, New Matilda, Anthony Kelly, 13 January 2015

The Victorian Police Commissioner has resigned, to near universal acclaim. Anthony Kelly from the Flemington Kensington Community Legal Centre weighs in…

IBAC to review Corinna Horvath complaints to police, The Age, Jane Lee, December 18, 2014

The Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission is reviewing Victoria Police’s handling of allegations police attacked a woman almost 20 years ago…

Police excceeded powers and breached human rights of African man, Judge says, The Age, Stever Butcher and Jane Lee, 18 December 2014

A Victorian judge has found that police exceeded their powers and breached the human rights of a man who claimed to have been racially harassed.

Flemington: ‘Justice Fighters’ shortlisted for human rights award, Moonee Valley Weekly, Sue Hewit, 25 November, 2014

Two young Flemington men dubbed “justice fighters” have been shortlisted for a human rights award for their work against racism.

Corinna Horvath attack: Woman bashed by police receives apology 18 years on, ABC News, September 22, 2014

A woman bashed by Victorian police officers almost two decades ago has received compensation and an apology from Chief Commissioner Ken Lay.

Victoria Police apologises, pays compensation to Corinna Horvath The Age, Jane Lee,

Victoria Police’s Chief Commissioner has apologised and paid compensation to a woman almost 20 years after her nose was broken in an unlawful police raid.

Moonee Valley police to trial receipt program to address concerns about police racism and profiling  Moonee Valley Leader, Linh Ly, 9 September, 2014

MOONEE Valley police will hand out “receipts” to people they stop and search as part of a pilot program to address racial profiling…

Police to hand out receipts in bid to stamp out racism, Moonee Valley Weekly Review, Sue Hewitt and Jo Davy

Moonee Valley Police will be among the first in Australia to hand out “receipts” explaining why they have stopped people on the street, in a bid to stamp out racism in the force…

Coroner can’t rule out foul play in drowned refugee’s death, SBS News, Greg Dyett and Sarah Abo, 28 August 2014

“What we’re seeing is police that all too often view African youth as being potential criminals, rather than being victims or vulnerable and needing care and respect and I guess what we’re seeing here is that Michael Atakelt was one of these criminalised young men….”

Coroner’s open finding on Maribynong River death, The Age, Larissa Nicholson and Adam Cooper, 28 August 2014

The state coroner has found it is not possible to determine the circumstances around the death of a young Ethiopian-Australian man whose body was found in the Maribyrnong River….

 Coroner’s findings leave Michael Atakelt’s family with no answers, Maribynong Leader, Bridie Byrne, 28 August 2014

Judge Ian Gray has handed down an open finding into the death of Michael Atakelt, 22, who was found floating near the Raleigh Rd bridge on July 7, 2011…

‘Legal advocates help make community policing fair’, The Age / The Voice, Volume 10 Number 8,  Stav Psonis, August 11 2014,

“Two law graduates and a current JD student have joined forces with the Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre to educate the community about fair policing…”

‘Inflation nightclub in race furore over cancelling Africa Fest’, Herald Sun, James Dowling, July 17, 2014

“The event promoters claim an Inflation Nightclub manager told them their night would not be going ahead “because the majority of your patrons will be African”…”

UN Condemns inadequate response to police violence,  Australian Lawyers Alliance, Sophie Ellis, 3 July, 2014

“A powerful condemnation of the failure of Victoria’s laws to provide adequate remedies to victims of police violence has been delivered by the United Nations Human Rights Committee…”

‘Abbott government says it is not legally bound to compensate Corinna Horvath’ Sydney Morning Herald, Jane Lee, 30 June, 2014

“Remedy Australia legal adviser Elizabeth Evatt said Australia was obliged to remedy human rights violations and ensure they did not happen again.”

 ‘Police Power and Abuse: A gap in Victoria’s legal system’, Right Now, Meghana Sharma, 24 June, 2014

“If you are victimised by a member of the police force in Victoria, fighting for compensation can be an arduous and ultimately fruitless exercise.”

 ‘Victoria Police bashing breaches international convention’, The World Today, Rachael Brown, 6 May 2014

The UN Human Rights Committee says Victoria should be vicariously liable for police misconduct and should amend its laws to that affect. It relates to the police bashing of Corinna Horvath in 1996….

‘UN says Victoria should compensate victim of police beating’, The Age, Jane Lee, 5 May 2014

The United Nations says Victoria should compensate a woman almost 20 years after four police officers beat her unconscious, breaking her nose and jaw. 

‘Justice for woman bashed by police 20 years ago’, 7:30 (ABC-TV), Louise Milligan, 5 May 2014

‘United Nations says Victoria breached International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by not compensating police bashing victim’, ABC News. Louise Milligan, 5 May 2014.

The United Nations has delivered a scathing decision on the Victorian Government and its police force, saying it has breached the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) after failing to compensate a woman viciously bashed by police…

Police put on notice over racial profiling The Age, Carolyn Webb, May 4, 2014

People fed up with race-based police attention have formed a bold new group to ensure the force keeps its promise to overhaul its attitudes and actions…

Victoria Police’s Priority Communities Division: real change or just more talk?  

Victoria Police has embarked on a campaign to stamp out racial bias. But as a new division is launched to drive this reform, critics ask whether this can change the culture of the force. 

Three police officers sacked, others disciplined over racist Sunshine stubby holders, The Age, Beau Donelly

Three police officers have been sacked and other high ranking members, including an inspector, face disciplinary action over a racism row in which stubby holders mocking African migrants were circulated around a suburban station…

Police training in Sunshine aims to end racial profiling The Age, Nino Bucci, 18 January 2014.

The colleagues of police charged with producing a racist stubby holder are among the first officers being given updated cultural training designed to stamp out racial profiling…

Victorian cops react to racial profiling inquiry, SBS World News Radio, Richard Parkin, 2 January 2014

Police in Victoria have launched a three-year plan to improve how they interact with minority communities…

Police pledge on racial bias The Age, Rania Spooner and Nino Bucci, December 31, 2013

Victoria Police has pledged to eliminate racial bias in its ranks and has revealed plans to trial giving receipts after searches on the street….

Victorian police act against racial bias but say racism is not systemic, Guardian Australia, Oliver Milman, December 31, 2013

Pilot program will give receipts to people stopped and searched as part of three-year plan to improve relationship with minorities…

Vic top cops admits past racial profiling,,   December 31, 2013

RACIAL profiling has occurred within Victoria Police, the state’s police chief has admitted for the first time.

Secret police operation ‘targeted’ African-Australians, ABC News, Jeff Waters, 30 December  2013

The ABC has uncovered details of a secret Victoria Police operation targeting young African-Australians in Melbourne’s inner north.  Operation Molto...

Racism in the ranks, The Age, Michael Green,

Are Victorian police biased against people of particular ethnic backgrounds? A chorus of voices is speaking out about racism and the force is taking steps to tackle the problem…

‘Overpolicing’ and the death of a young black man, Overland Journal, Micheal Green, 4 September, 2013

‘Do you believe the Footscray police has done their duty of care?’ Getachew Seyoum asks. He is standing at the bar table, during the coronial inquest into the death of his son, Michael Atakelt, who was found dead in the Maribyrnong River in July 2011…

Push for anti-racism search laws, The Age, Nino Bucci, August 14, 2013

‘Racism is so intrinsic in the police force that officers should get written consent before stopping and searching people deemed to be suspicious, the Law Institute of Victoria have recommended…

Police Ready to listen, Africans have plenty to say, The Citizen, Squirrel Main, 17 June 2013

A multi-media article on the Victoria Police Inquiry into racial profiling…

Police likelier to stop Africans, (includes video) The Age,  Vince Chadwick and Jane Lee,  

YOUNG men of African origin are more than twice as likely to be stopped, searched, and questioned by police than the rest of the population in parts of Melbourne, an analysis of a police database has revealed…

Victoria Police settles racial profiling case, ABC PM, Samantha Donovan, 18 February, 2013

The Victorian police force has avoided a trial over claims that its officers commonly resort to racial profiling.

Victoria Police settle racial harassment case, The Age, Vince Chadwick, February 18, 2013

Victoria Police has promised to investigate how it deals with ethnic groups after it settled a civil case over racial profiling of Afro-Australian men…


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