- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 8067
An aulos (Ancient Greek: αὐλός, plural αὐλοί, auloi) or tibia (Latin) was an ancient Greek wind instrument, depicted often in art and also attested by archaeology.
An aulete (αὐλητής, aulētēs) was the musician who performed on an aulos. The ancient Roman equivalent was the tibicen (plural tibicines), from the Latin tibia, "pipe, aulos." The neologism aulode is sometimes used by analogy with rhapsode and citharode (citharede) to refer to an aulos player, who may also be called an aulist.
There were several kinds of aulos. A single pipe without a reed was called the monaulos (μόναυλος, from μόνος "single"). A single pipe held horizontally, as the modern flute, was the plagiaulos (πλαγίαυλος, from πλάγιος "sideways"). The most common variety must have been a reed instrument. Archeological finds, surviving iconography and other evidence indicate that it was usually double-reeded, like an oboe, although simple variants with a single clarinet-type reed cannot be ruled out.
Though aulos is often erroneously translated as "flute", it was a reed instrument, and its sound — described as "penetrating, insisting and exciting" — was more akin to that of the bagpipes, with a chanter and (modulated) drone. Like the Great Highland Bagpipe, the aulos has been used for martial music, but it is more frequently depicted in other social settings. It was the standard accompaniment of the passionate elegiac poetry. It also accompanied physical activities such as wrestling matches, the broad jump, the discus throw and to mark the rowing cadence on triremes, as well as sacrifices and dramas.Plato associates it with the ecstatic cults of Dionysus and the Korybantes, banning it from his Republic but reintroducing it in "Laws".
The Aulos
AULOS - Conrad Steinmann - Sardos (protosardischer Aulos)
Cristian Gentilini - Aulos - assolo per launeddas
Aulos-1 demonstration / Авлос-1
Άυλος (542) - Κάθε πρωί
AULOS - Conrad Steinmann - Kálamoi makroí (Schilfaulos)
Aulos Ripu Sadomas Dp8 - Π
Ancient Greek Auloi #2
Aulos melody by Orestes - Agora
Yamaha vs Aulos alto recorder
Part 1 This video is about the revival of the Greco-Roman AULOS. Barnaby Brown plays a reproduction of an original in the Louvre, measured by Stefan Hagel and made by Thomas Rezanka. He announces a recent breakthrough in reed making, thanks to the work of Callum Armstrong. This takes the revival of ancient double pipes a significant step forward. Barnaby Brown is a founder member of the Workshop of Dionysus (www.doublepipes.info), established in 2013 by the Auloi/Tibiae Team of the European Music Archaeology Project (www.emaproject.eu). This video was made by James Willetts at St John's College, Cambridge on 19 January 2016. Special thanks to: Stefan Hagel - http://homepage.univie.ac.at/Stefan.H... Thomas Rezanka - http://www.rezanka.at Callum Armstrong - http://callumarmstrong.co.uk P...
Apresentação do Flautista Conrad Steinmann - Música grega da antiguidade clássica e seus desdobramentos • Produção: JZ Produções, DiegoDCvids, Rafael Adriano da Rosa, Felipe Roque JZ Produções http://www.facebook.com/jz.producoes DiegoDCvids http://www.youtube.com/user/DiegoDCvids
composer: Cristian Gentilini launeddas: Fabio Melis
Aulos. Wood - apricot, reeds - Arundo Donax This instrument was made in our workshop ANTPLAT.RU Instrument is supplied with - wooden stand - manual booklet with fingerings table - extra reed set of two reeds. Contact for details: http://www.facebook.com/antplat e-mail: info@antplat.ru FaceBook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=155109994529092 Группа вКонтакте: http://vkontakte.ru/antplatru Авлос. Древесина - абрикос, трости - испанский тростник. Сделан в нашей мастерской ANTPLAT.RU При заказе к инструменту прилагаются: - Деревянная подставка - Аппликатурный буклет - Запасной набор тростей
Οι διάλογοι που ακούγονται στην αρχή και στο τέλος του track είναι από το επεισόδιο 10η Εντολή - Συμφωνία του αίματος. "O ρόλος της μουσικής είναι να μας απαλλάξει από την τυραννία της συνειδητής σκέψης." Thomas Beecham Track: Άυλος (542) - Κάθε πρωί (Βίντεο με Στίχους) Βeat/Raps: Άυλος (Ψυχόδραμα07/542) OdessaTrickMakers - Unmixed Track
Apresentação do Flautista Conrad Steinmann - Música grega da antiguidade clássica e seus desdobramentos • Produção: JZ Produções, DiegoDCvids, Rafael Adriano da Rosa, Felipe Roque JZ Produções http://www.facebook.com/jz.producoes DiegoDCvids http://www.youtube.com/user/DiegoDCvids
Dr. Stefan Hagel demonstrates a reconstruction of a pair of greek auloi from the Hellenistic period. The instrument is enhanced with additional finger holes which can be opened and closed by making use of a complicate system of sliders and turning sleeves (watch closely!) which can be found on some preserved instruments.
This video is to directly compare the Yamaha YRA-312B (III) to the Aulos 709BW E Alto recoders. Both of these recorders are made of plastic and are considered serious instruments and better than the cheaper wooden models. They seem to be direct competitors with each other and people who tend to want to buy one or the other read up about both. I wanted to do a little side-by-side playing for anyone considering purchasing one or the other. While Yamaha seems to be the bigger more trusted name, Aulos actually holds its own and is equally well built. To start learning the instrument and actually have something worth holding (these are not your cheap 3rd grade recorders folks!) either one will do equally well. I prefer the simulated wood grain on the Yamaha. The Aulos is brand new and ...
Elle est seule sur le sol
Coulant sous l'alcool
Le vernis se craquelle
Sous l'idole
Se poudrer le faciès
Enrober de soie
Ce qui blesse et qu'on laisse
Derrière soi
Un passé brisé
Pas réaliser
Qu'il n'est plus là
Juste supposer
Qu'elle a tout osé
Et lui poser
Un dernier baiser
Un baiser
Ses bas ont défilé
Dans toutes les nuits blanches
Blanche-neige exhibée
Aux archanges
Il neige sur Downtown
Fin des seventies
Le temps, c'est de l'automne
Sans surprise
Un passé brisé
Pas réaliser
Qu'il n'est plus là
Se faire une beauté
Retourner la scène
L'aller sans retour
Le saut dans le vide
La petite club-kid
N'aime plus le jour
Juste supposer
Qu'elle a tout osé
Et lui poser