About AlterNet

AlterNet's Mission

AlterNet is an award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources. AlterNet’s aim is to inspire action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, health care issues, and more. Since its inception in 1998, AlterNet.org has grown dramatically to keep pace with the public demand for independent news. We provide free online content to millions of readers, serving as a reliable filter, keeping our vast audience well-informed and engaged, helping them to navigate a culture of information overload and providing an alternative to the commercial media onslaught. Our aim is to stimulate, inform, and instigate.

Strong Content

AlterNet publishes grassroots success stories and inspirational narratives alongside hard-hitting critiques of policies, investigative reports and expert analysis. We emphasize workable solutions to persistent social problems. Our editorial mix underscores a commitment to fairness, equality and global stewardship, and to making connections across generational, ethnic and issue lines. In order to provide deeper coverage on today’s key issues, AlterNet features 12 Special Coverage Areas, each with its own hub site, editor, and weekly newsletter.

Huge Readership and Reach

AlterNet receives more than 5.9 million unique monthly visitors and more than 13 million monthly page views. AlterNet’s readers comprise a strong base, who help virally spread AlterNet content to their networks by forwarding stories and emailing links. Many of AlterNet’s readers come from search engines (like Google) and news aggregator sites (such as Digg or Reddit), a testament to the fact that AlterNet reaches beyond the typical “choir” of progressive readers.

Building a Strong Community and Influence on the Web

AlterNet is successful at building community, as well as influence. Over 30,000 commenters are registered on the site, and many of our stories receive hundreds of comments from these dedicated readers. According to Technorati.com (the recognized authority on the topic), more than 97,000 blog posts link to AlterNet content, driving traffic back to our site, and virally marketing our content across the web.

Connecting Readers to Opportunities for Action

AlterNet provides its readers with pathways to action. We help connect our readers to opportunities to make change, be it through specific action campaigns, signing petitions, or by learning about the grassroots efforts of groups engaged in the work.

Financial Stability & Sustainability

Financial stability is important to AlterNet. More than 40 percent of our annual operating budget is self-generated through our advertising program and online donor program, both of which are leveraged by our large traffic. We are dedicated to business growth, and our budget has grown consistently over the past decade, as we have increased our earned income level.


AlterNet has developed a unique model of journalism to confront the failures of corporate media, as well as the vitriol and disinformation of right wing media, especially “hate talk” media. Not only do we keep our readers highly informed on a wide array of topics, from hundreds of experts and sources, but we also provide laser focus on the most compelling issues of the day. We offer our readers comprehensive information, a positive vision for the future, and concrete action steps towards change. AlterNet believes that media must have a higher purpose beyond the essential goal of keeping people informed. We insist on playing an active role in helping our community funnel its energy into change.


AlterNet believes that media must have a higher purpose beyond the essential goal of keeping people informed. We insist on playing an active role in helping our community funnel its energy into change. To achieve this, we will continue to practice tough and visionary strategic journalism. We’ll focus on the most compelling news on each of the issues in a coordinated and constituency-oriented way. And we will do it as a matter of fundamental organization, drilling deep into policy, developing constituencies, and engaging the best thinkers and writers. AlterNet’s objectives are to raise consciousness and engage readers by publishing and promoting quality content, and to build and expand partnerships with strategic organizations and relevant writers – all with the broader goal of raising awareness, changing policies, and connecting readers to real solutions and ways they can become involved in effecting change. In the coming year, AlterNet will reach more than 10 million people who are seeking alternative perspectives and information. By investing in AlterNet, you are joining us in providing the information and ideas that will motivate these millions to participate in social change efforts. Join us. Click here to make your investment in AlterNet.