Stories by Jeff Stein

Stein is a frequent contributor to The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Baltimore Sun and the author of "A Murder in Wartime: The Untold Spy Story that Changed the Course of the Vietnam War" (St. Martin's Press 1992). subscribe to Jeff Stein's feed

Posted on: Feb 23, 2017, Source: Newsweek

Much like the president, he used an unsecure phone for his rants.

Posted on: Apr 8, 2007, Source: Congressional Quarterly

One of the US's main problems in Iraq is our failure to communicate: We send translators to Iraq who don't even speak the language, and fire other capable Arabic speakers.

Posted on: Feb 27, 2002, Source:

The Pentagon now says it won't establish a propaganda office. Really? Meet the Bush administration's favorite disinformation wizard, John Rendon.