Post-Release Support

Support for folks incarcerated for their beliefs or actions in defense of the earth should not cease upon release. Here are recently released comrades and suggestions on how to continue to support them where applicable.

Watch Released: Animal Liberation for information from Jonathan Paul, who served 51 months, on both going into and transitioning out of prison.  Recommended zines include After Prison and Bristol ABCs On the Out: A zine about life after prison.  Also of note is the video of Josh Harper’s recent talk on the History of the Anti-Vivisection Movement, which he did for the World Week for Animals in Labs 2013.

Tre ArrowTre Arrow:

Tre pled guilty to 2 counts of arson related to the ELF and was sentenced with 78 months in prison. He was released to a halfway house in 2009. He is now available for speaking engagements through the EF! Speaker’s Bureau.


tim-dechristopherTim DeChristopher:

Served to 2 years for bidding on oil and gas leases on public land to stop fossil fuel extraction. Now accepting non-tax deductible gifts that will go towards supporting Tim in transitioning out of prison (food, rent, supplies and education): Also, you can check out his post-release interview with Democracy Now.


which-sideJordan Halliday:

Served almost 4 months in 2009 resisting a federal grand jury investigating local illegal animal rights activities, mainly concerning fur farm raids in Utah. Later he was indicted for criminal contempt of court and served almost 7 months in 2012. He now co-hosts a vegan anarchist podcast called “which side.”


Eric McDavid:

Originally sentenced to 19 years and 7 months, Eric was released over 8 years early in 2015 after winning an appeal due to misconduct by the prosecution.  Sacramento Prisoner Support is accepting donations through PayPal.  If you would like to write to Eric or send him care packages, you can send them to:

Eric McDavid, c/o SPS, P.O. Box 163126, Sacramento, CA 95816.


danielDaniel McGowan:

Sentenced to 7 years for ELF-related arsons. You can sign up for his announcement list or like his support page on facebook for updates about him as well as on the lawsuit that the Center for Constitutional Rights filed on behalf of multiple prisoners, including Daniel and his wife, to challenge the BOP’s unconstitutional establishment of Communication Management Units. Check out his post-release interview with Democracy Now.


Steve MurphySteve Murphy

Served 5 years (until 02-25-2014) for an attempted ELF arson on a town house construction site in Pasadena in 2006. Support him through his welcome home gift registry.


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