
The Stillitoe Thesis

DAVID DOWNES is 23 and has been doing post-graduate research on juvenile delinquency for the LSE for the last two years.

A Charter for Unfree Children

MARTIN DANIEL was born in 1932 in Leeds. He was at Oxford and Manchester Universities and has since been teaching at a technical college near London and a grammar school in East Anglia. He has three children.

Tomorrow's Audience

JOHN DUNCAN and Richard lngrams started the drama company 'Tomorrow's Audience' in August 1961. His article is shortened from his account of it in Axle Quarterly, by courtesy of the editors.

Pops in the Classroom

JUDITH TUDOR HART is grateful for the co-operation of the headmaster of Gosford Hill Secondary School, Kidlington, Oxon. She is 18, lives with her husband at Oxford and hopes to start on a university course herself next year.

Jug and Clay, or Flower?

ANTHONY WEAVER who is senior lecturer in education at Whitelands College, taught for ten years at Burgess Hill School, and after a spell in LCC secondary schools and at a Lycée in France, was head teacher at a school for maladjusted children and then warden of a residential clinic. He is the author of They Steal for Love, and of War Outmoded, and has contributed to several issues of ANARCHY.

The Prince Edward County school strike, 1951

Some of the school strikers, photographed in 1953

A short history of a school children's strike against against racist and substandard at Robert Russa Moton High School in Prince Edward County.

Adventure in Lollard Street

SHEILA BESKINE, who teaches in a secondary modern school, was one of the voluntary helpers at the Lollard Adventure Playground in Lambeth, which was recently described in H. S. Turner's book Something Extraordinary (Michael Joseph). She edits the newsletter of the National Association of Recreation Leaders.

New Town Adventure

ANNIE MYGIND, who wrote in ANARCHY 6 about her film Circus at Clopton Hall, here describes her experiences in starting an adventure playground in a New Town. Her cousin Erik Mygind began the 'Cave City' playground at Virum near Copenhagen, after witnessing the success of the famous Emdrup 'junk playground' in that city.

Do we Want Happy Children?

DACHINE RAINER who edited Prison Etiquette and the anarchist magazine Retort with Holley Cantine, from Bearsville, New York, is now living in London. Her novel The Uncomfortable Inn was recently published here by Abelard-Schuman and she is at present writing a book for the 20th Century European and American Writers series of Rutgers University Press.

Down in the Jungle

DAVID DOWNES is 23 and for the past two years has been doing post-graduate research on juvenile delinquency in East London for the LSE.