council communism

Council communism or councilism? - The period of transition

Jan Appel

Book review of Philippe Bourrinet “The Dutch and German Communist Left (1900-68); ‘Neither Lenin nor Trotsky nor Stalin!”, ‘All workers must think for themselves!’”, Leiden/Boston (Brill) ISBN 978-90-04-26977-4.

Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - Maximilien Rubel, John Crump (editors)

In the nineteenth century, socialists as different as Marx and Kropotkin were agreed that socialism means a marketless, moneyless, wageless, classless, stateless world society. Subsequently this vision of non-market socialism has been developed by currents such as the anarcho-communists, impossibilists, council communists, Bordigists and Situationists. By tracing this development, this book challenges the assumptions of both supporters and opponents of what is conventionally regarded as socialism.

Leaving the swamp - L'Ouvrier Communiste

An article published in August, 1929 in L'Ouvrier Communiste (the Communist Worker) issue no. 1, which was the journal of the Communist Workers' Groups, who were led ideologically by Michelangelo Pappalardi. This group split from Prometeo on several key questions, immediately pursuing a rapprochement with the line of the old KAPD (Communist Workers' Party of Germany). This article outlines their disagreements with the Bordigist tradition and with Leninism, more generally.

Marxism and State Communism: the Withering Away of the State - Groepen van Internationale Communisten (GIC)

Original publication: Marxisme en staatscommunisme; Het afsterven van de staat. – Amsterdam: Groepen van Internationale Communisten, 1932. – 18 p. A 1932 pamphlet hard to find in English, in which the Group(s) of International Communists (GIC) criticise Lenin's 'The State and the Revolution.' Part of this text was integrated into 'Basic principles of communist production and distribution'.

Marxism in a lost century: a biography of Paul Mattick - Gary Roth

Retells the history of the radical left during the twentieth century through the words and deeds of Paul Mattick.

The revolution is not a party affair - Otto Rühle

Otto Rühle

This article was written in May 1920 and was first published in the German paper Die Aktion. This translation first appeared in the London Workers' Group bulletin (no. 14, October 1983). A different english translation was published in the American journal Revolutionary Struggle, No. 2, Spring 1979.

Théorie Communiste

Théorie Communiste is arguably one of the most influential journals amongst the ultra-left. The journal is the work of a Marseilles-based group. It was first published in 1977, before that, members of TC were formerly associated with councilist groups, including, among others, the journals 'Cahiers du Communisme de Conseils', based in Marseilles, and 'Intervention Communiste'.

A.A.U.-E.: organização unitária contra a divisão entre luta política e econômica - Diego Negri

Breve introdução sobre a história da A.A.U.-E. (União Geral dos Trabalhadores – Organização Unitária), organização que atuou de 1921 a 1923 na Alemanha e que foi uma das primeiras a condenar o bolchevismo, denunciando-o como sistema econômico burguês e contra-revolucionário. Buscava impulsionar a auto-organização dos trabalhadores a partir das empresas contra os partidos e sindicatos, superando a divisão entre economia e política através de conselhos operários.

A revolução não é tarefa de partido - Otto Ruhle

Texto histórico publicado em 1920 que apresenta as posições antiparlamentaristas e anti-sindicais dos comunistas de esquerda da Alemanha (comunistas de conselhos), assim como a crítica do bolchevismo e da socialdemocracia e a perspectiva de auto-organização dos trabalhadores a partir das empresas de onde eles transformam a sociedade de baixo para cima.