communist society

Council communism or councilism? - The period of transition

Jan Appel

Book review of Philippe Bourrinet “The Dutch and German Communist Left (1900-68); ‘Neither Lenin nor Trotsky nor Stalin!”, ‘All workers must think for themselves!’”, Leiden/Boston (Brill) ISBN 978-90-04-26977-4.

The economy in transition to a "communist" society

A critique of the theses of the GIK and “labor coupons”, by Raoul Victor, compiled from excerpts from an exchange he had with Kees.

La konkero de la pano: Petro Kropotkino

La skriboj de Petro Korpotkino en la temo socian organizon en la nova komunismo socio.

Um mundo sem dinheiro: o comunismo - Os Amigos dos 4 Milhões de Jovens Trabalhadores

Influente texto, de 1975-1976, que desenvolve uma poderosa crítica da sociedade capitalista, abordando a possibilidade de um mundo sem Estado, sem dinheiro, sem trabalho e sem troca de mercadorias.

On equal human ability

A Chinese farmer, circa 1900

Interesting article from 1907 by Chinese anarchist Liu Shipei, arguing for human equality and spelling out some basic principles for a functioning, although largely agrarian, gender-equal anarchist society in the country. With an introduction by Robert Graham.

Freedom of access - Donald Rooum

Donald Rooum looks at several case studies to demonstrate how communist, or moneyless distribution of goods or services, can function effectively.

Luxury communism tumblr

Drone communism

Archive of the Luxury Communism blog, examining possibilities for a libertarian communist future with luxury for all. Active 2012-2015.

Against the metaphysics of scarcity, for the practical copiousness - humanaesfera

A reply to the following objection: "The abundance (overcoming scarcity) is impossible since we live in a world with limited resources, not only economically, but physically, so overcoming scarcity is a metaphysical, absurd demand, which requires a complete automation of the infinite universe to deliver to each individual, raised to the status of a god, every whim and arbitrariness."

The case against economic calculation - Adam Buick

Randall Park, once the world's largest mall from Black Friday by Seph Lawless

Talk by Adam Buick for the Socialist Party on 27 September 2015 in London. The Economic Calculation Argument is a classic argument against the possibility of socialism put by defenders of free-market, private-enterprise capitalism. It was set out in a particularly clear and concise form in an article in 1920 “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth” by Ludwig Von Mises, an Austrian member of, appropriately enough, the Austrian School of Economics and translated into English in 1935.

The free society - Karl Kautsky

Kautsky imagines how society would look after the dissolution of the state by a comparison with life in the Indian village commune.