Storage Inception: How Dropbox and Drobo have let us down

Despite being longtime advocates of cloud pioneer Dropbox we discovered an Inception-style problem of ever deepening ...
Despite being longtime advocates of cloud pioneer Dropbox we discovered an Inception-style problem of ever deepening file replication that it couldn't solve.

As we noted a couple of weeks ago, technology isn't always beer and skittles. We love Drobo high volume data banks and we love the Dropbox cloud storage service.

But between them, they plunged us into a world of pain that we've only just recovered from, hoping that what didn't kill us will make us smarter.

Offering unlimited cloud drive space at $27.50 a month per user, with a minimum five users, Dropbox includes an unrivalled range of tools like deleted file recovery, tiered administration, file access auditing and integration with dozens of third party programs and smartphone apps.

But we hit a problem it couldn't handle. To be fair, we created the problem, inadvertently. But why Dropbox allowed us to do it, and why it couldn't fix it, are mysteries.

While tools like Drobo empower SMEs to set up sophisticated file storage systems, next time we won't assume ...
While tools like Drobo empower SMEs to set up sophisticated file storage systems, next time we won't assume compatibility, even with a brand we thought we were familiar with.

Click around Windows Explorer on a PC or Finder on a Mac, and one day you're bound to accidentally perform some dumb file operation like dragging a folder into another one by mistake.

Well, somebody managed to create a copy of the office Dropbox folder inside the Dropbox folder, and that triggered a cascading series of duplications of several terabytes of data as each repetition of the folder attempted to create a copy of the entire folder, including itself, within itself.

If it sounds bad, it was actually worse.

The first hint we had that something was wrong was constant network and hard drive activity that we eventually tracked back to the machine that manages Dropbox.

The cure seemed obvious enough: delete the Dropbox inside the Dropbox. But the Dropbox Windows client refused to do that, insisting we perform the task in the online web interface.

But there, we found we could only delete blocks of files at a time, and after a couple of days fiddling with that, we called time. It was much faster to abandon the entire Dropbox set up and open a new account.

Three years ago, we fell in love with Drobo, a pricey but seemingly bulletproof hard drive system that loads up to five disks and arranges data so that failure of even two of the drives won't result in any lost data.

The unit in our home office, directly attached to an iMac, served us silently and strongly, more than justifying the $2500 price tag of the base unit and five high-capacity hard drives.

Naturally, when we refreshed the office network last year we recommended a network version of the same product. Bad idea that, as we discovered.

While the directly attached version of Drobo can be hooked up to a Mac and formatted to the Mac file system, it turned out that the network unit couldn't act as a seamless Mac drive.

Now, Macs create invisible little files that travel along with the Word and Excel and PDF files you can see, holding extra information that the Mac operating system makes use of behind the scenes. Except that on a non-Mac drive, they aren't invisible.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of small but irritating "._" prefixed files littered our document management system making it awkward to navigate.

Unable to discover a cure, we were eventually forced to relegate the expensive device to a back up machine for hard drive images, but not before the nagging "._" files had copied their way online into Dropbox, slowing down its performance not because of the mass of these blips of data but due to the sheer number of them.

We're still cleaning them out. In the meantime, we're piloting Microsoft's OneDrive service as an alternative.

A lesson and a footnote. First, while sophisticated DIY tools like Drobo empower SMEs to set up file storage systems that rival high end solutions of just a few years ago, next time we won't assume compatibility, even with a brand we thought we were familiar with.

We'll tell the supplier exactly how we plan to use the equipment and press them to confirm it.

And the footnote: our home office Drobo has developed a worn, noisy fan – unsurprising after three years of round-the-clock operation. But neither the supplier nor the distributor could supply the $15 part required to fix it, or even tell us where to source one from a third party.

When the unit remains a current model, it's alarming that a simple spare part isn't to be had.

Peter Moon is a technology lawyer with Cooper Mills.