IT Pro

Speed check: what NBN speed promises really mean

When Brunswick resident Katia Zanutta hooked her computer up to the national broadband network for the first time she understandably went straight to a speed testing website to see how fast it was. After all, speed is the NBN’s main attraction for consumers.

Used to a sluggish and intermittently slow ADSL connection, she was delighted to get a download result of nearly 47 megabits per second (Mbps), upload speeds of more than 18 Mbps and an extremely low latency reading.

But the next night, using the same testing site, Ms Zanutta got a result of 31.4 Mbps.

Fixed broadband consumers may not realise how difficult it can be to get an accurate speed reading, or how many different factors affect broadband speeds.

Speeds depend on a user's equipment, the quality of the connection between the house and the exchange, the capacity of backhaul at the nearest exchange, traffic at the testing site's server, and capacity on international cables.


Internet carriers are quick to point out all the places outside their control where speeds can slow down, while testing sites stand by the accuracy of their results.

Now the introduction of the NBN has focused attention on download and upload speeds like never before.

When Ms Zanutta tried testing her speed on different sites, the results varied drastically – on she got an average of 46.3 Mpbs, but on CNet’s speed test she got an average of 36.8 Mbps. A third site, ozspeedtest, returned an average of 45.9 Mbps.

She had signed up an Internode plan described as 50 Mbps, so uses that figure as a benchmark.

"Realistically I know that I am not going to get that many [50 megabits per second] because life is full of disappointments," Ms Zanutta said.

NBN Co said that speeds on its network are "an issue for retail service providers".

"The product we supply those service providers is capable of providing the advertised wholesale speeds. It’s up to service providers to ensure they have the correct combination of product features, including traffic class allocation and sufficient Connection Virtual Circuit (CVC) capacity between the service provider and the NBN. These design decisions by the service provider will largely determine the speed the end user can achieve," a company spokesman said. The NBN product manager at iiNet, which owns Internode, Rachael McIntyre, said it had not yet collected any data on actual speed experiences of its NBN customers.

"We do know that fibre offers a faster and more reliable connection than current copper wiring. Speed is affected by a number of factors, including the particular program a customers is using, which plan a customer chooses, whether a customer’s hardware is NBN ready, the connection between their computer and the NBN, and the type of content a customer is downloading," she said.

It would be impractical to describe plans at average or minimum speeds, she said, because "there are too many external factors that affect speed".

"In our experience, customers aren’t interested in exact recordings of download speeds," she said.

"For people who are interested in the numbers, there are online test tools that provide recordings of speeds, however these should only be used as a guide as they can be affected by a number of external factors and customers may get varied readings."

Creator of Oz Broadband Speed Test, Alex McKenzie, said speed test results can be affected by a computer's performance, Wi-Fi connections and concurrent downloads. He recommends checking no other network devices are downloading, making sure all software is updated, testing through a wired connection, and testing throughout the day.

"If a user gets similar slow results at all times throughout the day, then it is a good sign that there is a fault with their connection," Mr McKenzie said.

But slower than expected results might not even be an equipment or infrastructure fault.

Using a testing site that is hosted overseas can impact the result, according to senior telecommunications engineer at the Institute for a Broadband Enabled Society, Julien Ridoux, because the speed depends on the time it takes for data packets to travel from the server to the user and back.

"By selecting a speed test site located in Australia, consumers increase their chances to measure their connection top speed,'' he explained. ''The location of [testing site] servers does matter. Over the internet, traffic priorities and contractual agreement between telcos also have an impact."

Mr Ridoux said IBES was working on a tool to help consumers and internet providers diagnose slow internet connections that could be ready for testing later this year.

Chief marketing officer at Seattle-based Ookla, which runs, Jamie Steven, said it has access to 2300 servers globally. Its tests are conducted as close as possible to the consumers’ location, he said, by using a "ping test" – the time it takes for the server to respond – to find the closest site.

"In our experience with very high speed connections, we have tended to find that it is almost always the equipment that the user has [that slows speeds down] or the testing situation," he said. 

However, Ookla can also see when a carrier isn’t delivering advertised speeds.

"Because we run about five million tests a day, we have pretty close monitoring of all the performances of all the world’s internet service providers. We can see when users are not getting the advertised speeds."

According to data from Ookla, Canberra’s TransACT network, now belonging to iiNet, had the highest performance rating in Australia, followed by Exetel, Optus and Telstra. Australia ranks 62nd internationally for speed, with consumers getting about 64 per cent of the speeds they are promised, according to 23,764 surveys and speed tests run through Ookla by Australians over the past year.

But there still remains a potential problem for consumers who expect NBN packages to deliver certain speeds.

Until now, fixed broadband plans were differentiated by download limits, not by speeds.

Telstra's and Optus' hybrid fibre coaxial [HFC] cable network is often marketed as "superfast broadband" and sold in speed tiers, but this cable network only reaches about 2 million households.

Most Australian households connect to broadband through copper-based ADSL connections that are marketed without reference to speed. Customers have to live with whatever speeds they can get.

Official speed check on the way

Potential misunderstandings between consumer expectations and NBN marketing has caught the attention of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [ACCC], which has been warning providers they could breach consumer laws if they create an expectation that their service will deliver particular speeds and then don’t deliver those speeds.

It has now revealed to Fairfax Media plans to create a formal monitoring program to ensure customers are getting what internet providers promise. This could involve testing equipment installed inside a random sample of households, similar to television audience measuring tools.

Internet retailers offering plans on the NBN have been careful to footnote speed-based plans as ''theoretical maximum speed'' and use the words "up to" when advertising plans. However, plans are often divided according to speeds, usually 25 Mbps, 50 Mbps and 100 Mbps.

"The ACCC recently surveyed the websites of a range of [NBN] internet service providers and wrote to 16 raising deficiencies in their disclosure of factors affecting real-world broadband service performance. All 16 providers made changes in response to the ACCC’s concerns," a spokesman said this week.

The ACCC knows that speed performance on the NBN can be due to retail providers under-provisioning backhaul at points of interconnect, which is where carriers take over responsibility for their customers traffic from NBN Co.

Last year the ACCC fined Melbourne-based supplier CNT Corp $19,800 after it found CNT invoiced a telco retailer for speeds of 25 Mbps, 50 Mbps and 100 Mpbs on one greenfield estate in western Melbourne, when CNT’s backhaul transmission capacity was only 20 Mbps.

Chief executive of CNT Corp, David Setiady, said retail providers should be held responsible for the speeds that customers expect to get, because "retailers have control over the customer’s contention".

This means the retailer has control over what happens between the exchange and the customers’ premises, and also over the customers’ expectations.

On the NBN, each service provider must pay for enough capacity or their customers could be disappointed. Internet providers must go through complicated calculations to work out exactly how much capacity they have to pay for. This is where service providers could be tempted to pay for slightly less capacity than needed for maximum speeds and hope that not all their customers download at the same time.


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