Red and Black Notes

On workplace organisation - Red and Black Notes

A look at the exchange between Stan Weir and Sam Friedman on workplace organisation. The following article, which has been slightly edited for publication, was written in 1997 as a comment on an exchange in the US publication Against the Current dating to 1981/82. This article has been archived on from the Red and Black Notes website.

What's Going On - Iraq: Two Years after the 'End' of the War - Red and Black Notes

Red and Black Notes article written 2 years into the invasion of Iraq, looking at what was then happening with the occupation.

Iraq: Oil, Blood and Class - International Bureau for a Revolutionary Party

Article written by the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party on the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Don't talk about the danger of war - unless you are prepared to speak about capitalism! - Internationalist Perspective

Article by Internationalist Perspective on the inevitably capitalist aspects of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq

The Gulf War of 2003 - Internationalist Perspective

Article by Internationalist Perspective on the 2003 Gulf War.

Criticism of internationalist anti-war statement by the International Bolshevik Tendancy

Criticism of this anti-war statement distributed at an anti-Iraq war demo in January 2003 by the International Bolshevik Tendancy. A reply by Red and Black Notes can be found here.

Against Capitalist War! Against Capitalist Peace!

This article was written and distributed in Toronto by people of varying political perspectives (anarchist, communist and others) who have come together on a class basis to express opposition to capitalism and its wars.

Review - Greater than the might of armies editted by Staughton Lynd & Alice Lynd - Red and Black Notes

Red and Black Notes review of Greater than the might of armies, edited by Staughton Lynd & Alice Lynd.

Review - The Arch Conspirator by Len Bracken - Red and Black Notes

Red and Black Notes review of The Arch Conspirator by Len Bracken.