ACT News

Canberra man with history of domestic violence released on bail in "unusual" move

A man with a history of domestic violence has been released on an interim domestic violence order after allegedly assaulting his ex-wife while she was holding their son.

The 31-year-old separated with his partner last year, and was minding their children, aged two and four, at his former partner's home at the time of the alleged offences.

He was charged in the ACT Magistrate's Court on Saturday with three counts of assault, one on January 29, and two on February 21. He did not enter pleas.

On January 29, it is alleged the woman was holding their four-year-old son when the man "yanked" her hair downwards. The court heard the women thought her neck was going to break.

On Tuesday, February 21, it is alleged the women took their two-year-old son into a bedroom to put him to sleep, and checked her Facebook account while doing so.

It is alleged the man snatched the phone out of her hands and accused her of cheating on him, calling her a "slut" and a "bitch".


Police documents said the yelling woke up the two children.

It is alleged while the woman was cradling the two-year old, the man raised his fist towards her stopping short of punching her in the face. The woman feared he was going to hit her and strike her son.

She gathered the children to leave, however the man prevented her from doing so.

It is alleged he said, "You're not going anywhere" and slapped her across the face.

The man stayed the night, allegedly monitoring her phone use. Police documents allege the woman spent the night feeling "frightened and sad".

The woman took part in a police interview the following day. The man presented to Woden Police Station on Friday night where he was arrested and conveyed to the watch house.

In court on Saturday, Magistrate Campbell said despite her concerns, police seemed satisfied that the domestic violence order would work if the man was released on bail. She said that was an "unusual statement" on the police's behalf given the circumstances of the case.

Court documents show the man has a history of abuse against the same partner, and has previously served time in jail for domestic violence related offences.

The magistrate warned the man that his actions were "unforgivable".

"She is not a possession. She is not someone you can treat in the way you've allegedly treated her," the magistrate said.

The man will reappear before the court in March.