Weekly Top 10

About PETA Prime Are you ready to make a big difference for yourself, animals, and the Earth through simple day-to-day choices? PETA Prime has all the information you need to live a healthy, humane, and rewarding life.

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  • Feb
  • 8

USDA Website Scrubbed—and PETA Is Fighting Back!

Posted by at 1:16 PM | Permalink | No Comments

PETA’s fight to get animals out of laboratories, circuses, and roadside zoos has been so successful that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will apparently go to any length to stop it. But we won’t let that happen. For months—long before President Donald Trump took charge—the USDA has been quietly planning to remove all inspection […]

  • Feb
  • 8

What Is Your Senior Animal Trying to Tell You?

Posted by at 12:37 PM | Permalink | No Comments

As our animal companions begin to age, somewhere between the ages of 6 and 9, depending on size, their bodies undergo many changes that can sneak up on their guardians if they aren’t paying close attention.

  • Feb
  • 7

Food for Thought: Going Vegan Can Help Cut the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Posted by at 8:18 AM | Permalink | No Comments

There are all kinds of good-for-you reasons to go vegan, namely, the reduced risks of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and other chronic degenerative diseases and conditions that have been connected to eating meat, eggs, and dairy products. Add the reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease to the list. According to the Physicians Committee for […]

  • Feb
  • 3

Heart-Health Tips From a Cardiologist—and a Sexy Vegan

Posted by at 7:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (2)

February is American Heart Month, so it’s a fitting time for everyone to stop eating meat and other animal-derived foods. As Dr. Joel Kahn, a cardiologist and the male winner of PETA’s 2016 “Sexiest Vegan Over 50” contest, has pointed out, dietary saturated fatty acids (SFAs), which are commonly found in meat and dairy products, […]

  • Feb
  • 3

Don’t Give Up Now: Your New Year’s Resolutions Are Doing More Good Than You Know

Posted by at 7:02 AM | Permalink | No Comments

If you need some extra motivation to stick with New Year’s resolutions that seemed so easily attainable just a few weeks ago, consider this: Much like the butterfly effect, your resolutions have the potential to make a positive impact on the environment and animals—including butterflies. One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, made by […]

  • Feb
  • 2

Why Ingrid Newkirk Is One of the Most Powerful People in Food

Posted by at 8:08 AM | Permalink | No Comments

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has once again been named one of The Daily Meal’s 50 Most Powerful People in Food. She continues to influence millions of people’s food choices and to prompt more and more companies to offer vegan options. Vegan food products adorn grocery store shelves across the country, and the vegan meat market […]

  • Feb
  • 2

50 Vegan Recipes for Football Season (Photos + Videos)

Posted by at 7:56 AM | Permalink | No Comments

Are you ready for some football … food?! Participate in all the fun football festivities with these vegan game-day appetizers and treats.  

Weekly Top 10

About PETA Prime Are you ready to make a big difference for yourself, animals, and the Earth through simple day-to-day choices? PETA Prime has all the information you need to live a healthy, humane, and rewarding life.

PETA Business Friends


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The information and views provided here are intended for informational and preliminary educational purposes only. From time to time, content may be posted on the site regarding various financial planning and human and animal health issues. Such content is never intended to be and should never be taken as a substitute for the advice of readers' own financial planners, veterinarians, or other licensed professionals. You should not use any information contained on this site to diagnose yourself or your companion animals' health or fitness. Readers in need of applicable professional advice are strongly encouraged to seek it. Except where third-party ownership or copyright is indicated or credited regarding materials contained in this blog, reproduction or redistribution of any of the content for personal, noncommercial use is enthusiastically encouraged.