Post-truth politics


Analysis and Comment

A family catches Mardi Gras beads during the Krewe of Thoth parade down St. Charles Avenue in 2000. Reuters

The destructive life of a Mardi Gras bead

Each Mardi Gras, 25 million pounds of beads hit the streets of New Orleans. One researcher went to the Chinese factories that make them – and spoke to the workers who believe the beads will be given to royalty.

Who exactly are ‘radical’ Muslims?

Muslims from the Salafist tradition can often be seen as 'radical.' There is not much understanding of Salafism, its history and its diversity. Here's what it means to be a Salafist.

More Analysis and Comment

Travel ban

A woman holds a flag as she looks out over the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Threats of violent Islamist and far-right extremism: What does the research say?

Data on violent incidents in the US reveal that our focus on Islamist extremism since 9/11 may be misguided.


Inside Rural America



Are you responsible about the things you share? Shutterstock

You are the new gatekeeper of the news

Before you share another article on Facebook, consider your responsibility to make sure what you post is true.


Black History Month

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Editors’ Picks

Most Read past week

  1. White House in turmoil shows why Trump’s no CEO
  2. Is your smartphone making you shy?
  3. More lessons from Dolly the sheep: Is a clone really born at age zero?
  4. Immigration and crime: What does the research say?
  5. California’s rain may shed light on new questions about what causes earthquakes

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