The national electricity mess is a national embarrassment
The NEM has become the National Electricity Mess, nee Market ā more broadly, power mess ā a national embarrassment.
John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.
The NEM has become the National Electricity Mess, nee Market ā more broadly, power mess ā a national embarrassment.
Underemployment is approaching double the unemployment rate.
When US President Donald Trump says "America First", take it that he also means "America Only".
John Hewson on why it's time to rise above Trump.
How many times have you heard one of our political leaders claim that they are in Parliament "to benefit our children and grandchildren"?
I am disturbed at how the policy intelligentsia and the media elite are already closing ranks, as if this is just an aberration, we can, and will, handle it. Yet, they were caught short predicting that a Trump just "couldn't happen", and ever since have been attempting to rationalise their inadequacies.
Labels have never been very useful - and now perhaps less than ever.
As 2016 draws to a close, it is important to recognise the significance of the crisis of faith we are facing in our market-based capitalism and democracy.
This superficiality is genuinely alarming, ignoring the realities of the riskiness and unpredictability of the global economy, and of the structural challenges in our current and prospective domestic economy, perhaps now actually teetering on the brink of a recession.
The two major parties need to stop playing short-term, opportunistic, point-scoring, political games.
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