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Bleeding Audio: The Matches & the Music Industry Documentary

An all-access lens aimed at punk darlings The Matches provides a compelling look at the music industry's shift to online distribution.

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RiffTrax Live '17: Samurai Cop, Beach Party & Mystery Title!

RiffTrax is doing three live shows in 2017 simulcast to theaters nationwide: SAMURAI COP + SUMMER SHORTS BEACH PARTY + a MYSTERY TITLE!

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Black Holes

A punk-rock-Pixar animated series about an insecure astronaut and an intelligent melon on their journey to Mars.

Under An Arctic Sky - Film

Six surfers set sail along the frozen shores of Iceland as the worst storm in twenty-five years is about to arrive.

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Join NOVA: Make "Beyond the Elements"

Help NOVA and David Pogue produce a new special, "Beyond the Elements," that will inspire audiences to fall in love with science.

Strowlers Preludes: Ireland & Mongolia

Two magical short films—set within a shared cinematic universe—from Zombie Orpheus, the producers of JourneyQuest & The Gamers.

Cinéma et vidéo près de San Francisco

Afficher 5 projets en cours
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San Quentin Marathon

A documentary film about a year in the making of marathon runners inside San Quentin, California's oldest prison

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SKYWATCH: a sci-fi short

When two teenagers hack into a drone delivery system, they soon find themselves targeted - and scrambling to cover their tracks.


Bird Juice Part 2: This Time It's For Real is a coming of age tale about a young man's journey flight into manhood

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Explorez les 49 projets en cours dans la catégorie Court-métrages

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    Rain Catcher - Short Film

    Rain Catcher is a noir psychological thriller about a young photographer haunted by a mysterious man appearing in all his pictures.

  • Runaway - A Film By One Man

    Depression is no joke. It's a constant weight on your shoulders that doesn't want to go away. So what happens when you reach your limit

  • In the Field

    A short narrative film exploring the role of media in shootings involving police and African Americans through POV of local reporter.

  • En el espacio no se puede llorar

    En el eclipse total de Sol de 1991 en México, Mercedes aprenderá que quizás la fe y la ciencia no son irreconciliables como pensaba.

  • Court métrage de fin d'études : "Fin"

    Nous sommes étudiants de cinéma audiovisuel au lycée Assomption. Nous avons besoin de vous pour réaliser notre projet de film « Fin » !

  • Cortometraje "Ilusión"

    An innocent 12-year-old girl writes in her diary when an angel appears, forcing the little girl to confront her death.

  • Animal (Short Film)

    After making a devastating discovery in the woods, Rose is forced into a world where morals no longer apply.

  • An American Dream

    Set in the future desert of the American Southwest, three travelers of different backgrounds forge a bond on a woman's journey home.

  • Adrift - Short Film on Modern Day Sex Slavery

    Adrift is a short film that shines a light on the horrific underworld of human sex trafficking and sex slavery within modern day UK.

  • Mensch - A Short Film About PTSD

    When a veteran has a break in reality he must navigate his blending military and civilian lives, deciding what is real and what is not.

  • Legends of Rock-a-Dundee Road

    This is a short film about 5 friends as they make their way to the haunted road. Soon they will realize the truth behind these stories.

  • Short Film - Love! Love! Love!


  • The Terrestrials

    A woman from the near future is stuck in sexual limbo, between a virtual Tinder and a tangible reality.


    "Chucks Apartment" is a High-Octane psychological crime thriller, about a lonely frustrated man struggling with his sanity.

  • "Happy Anniversary" Short Film

    Convinced his boyfriend is being unfaithful, Bo follows Elliot on the night of their anniversary to learn the truth.

  • Hard Road: Short Film

    Life isn't always fair. Choices & Fate Guide What Road We Take.

  • One Way: Leah

    "One Way" is the a story of survival and ambition; a young woman's journey to Mars, and what she will do to get there.

  • Apprehension

    A short film that follows a Veteran suffering from PTSD and severe anxiety.

  • Feel My Pain, an emotional film to help stop bullying.

    We are rising actors who will make an emotionally impactful film that will end bullying, and promote general love and kindness.

  • Loss and Found

    After getting beat up and losing his best friend, a young man discovers his purpose through saving the lives of rescue dogs.

Des centaines de films tournés grâce à Kickstarter, disponibles sur iTunes

1fae77437e5b3b83e0e2e9f584d6514c original

875 personnes ont soutenu ce projet

5e06f09897490fd36ecf03d48636667a original

9 439 personnes ont soutenu ce projet

164736dd6b872eb373becec8c3c2dd46 original

5 770 personnes ont soutenu ce projet

7b0962e2eed28859bb030d509a5263c1 original

954 personnes ont soutenu ce projet